UA Football Question!

<p>I recently learned that for students you can only get half of the home game tickets, because there aren’t enough for everyone. I am wondering if anyone: current students, soon to be students(fall of 2012), or parents that have accounts with kids in UA!!!</p>

<p>Private Message me, if you or your kid doesn’t really go to the games ( yes i did meet someone while visiting ua who doesn’t go to games)!!!</p>

<p>I want to know if you would be wiling to get a ticket package and ill pay you for the tickets!! </p>

<p>Thanks, and Roll Tide</p>

<p>You shouldn’t have any problem getting tickets to any home game except the Auburn game and probably aTm. My daughter was in the same boat this year and picked the package with LSU ( we knew it would be the ticket to have)and did not have any problems getting a ticket off the donated list for all the games in the other package. So when you pick your package, keep in mind that the AU game tickets will be almost impossible to get from the donated list, followed closely with aTM. Those 2 games will probably not be in the same package, but I have no doubt that you could buy a ticket for either game from a student and get the others from donated .</p>

<p>Frosh can only buy a “half set” of home game tix. Sophs, Jrs, and Srs can buy whole sets of home game tix.</p>

<p>That said, usually frosh can get tix to the other home games (other than Ironbowl) rather easily thru the donated tix exchange system.</p>

<p>Wait what, i heard that every grade level can only get the half set??? SO just frosh year i get half, and soph and on I can buy all home games???</p>

<p>Unless there’s a new rule coming down the pike…only frosh are limited to a half set. Maybe a change is coming???</p>

<p>jetsfan289: As a freshman, my son got tickets to every game. He bought the half pack, and then he made sure he got up very early on the Sunday prior to a home game in which he did not have tickets and put his name on the list. With every game, students put tickets on the donated list. Some go home. Some have other commitments. So you should have little difficulty handing tickets in most cases. You also may have chances to purchase away game tickets.</p>

<p>Another football question . . .</p>

<p>Is there any rhyme or reason to game times? Specifically, the Iron Bowl. This would be relevant if D came home for T’giving but flew back on Saturday. Is it likely to be an early game or a late game?</p>

<p>Game times are based on which network picks up the game and they decide the time. If it’s PPV then UA decides the time I believe. The IB will be decided by the network ( should be CBS and 99% sure it will be a 2:30 kick)</p>

<p>cctech is right about the CBS time. ESPN is like a 6-6:30 game time. ABC is 8 pm.</p>

<p>That right about game times…it all depends on how which network is going to air each game and how they determine which games will bring in the best audience/money for their network. It’s all about viewership and money and rankings. </p>

<p>that’s why we often don’t know the actual time of a game until about a week before.</p>

<p>When are requests live for student tickets for current students.</p>

<p>So we think the Iron Bowl is going to be around 2:30? Thinking about driving down to the beach for the weekend & it wouldn’t work if it was a night game.</p>

<p>ESPN airs games all day long…from about 11am to about 11pm.</p>