UA Oxford report

<p>Just wanted to pop in and say that my son had an amazing time in Oxford with the UA group. He is presently taking a quick detour through Italy before heading home on Monday, so I have not been able to debrief him in person yet. But he has expressed that his stay in Oxford was a great experience. (I can tell you that he and his girlfriend have collectively loaded about 700 pictures onto facebook, and those don’t even include the last week or two.)</p>

<p>We did have one hiccup. Somebody stole his debit card information and cleaned out his checking account. We are dealing with that, and hopefully Regions will replace the money, but I am not worried. Even in light of this, I highly recommend that you and your kid (assuming they have a liberal arts bent) look into this program. </p>

<p>Now on to more important things: Geaux Tigers.</p>

<p>So glad to hear he had a great time. Safe travels back stateside.</p>

<p>Hope springs eternal, Slippy. Reminds me, I still have something I need to mail to you…</p>

<p>…seal it with a kiss!</p>

<p>Best wishes to Slippy’s son who is going to have another year watching the Tide roll over them Tiggers. </p>

<p>Reauxl Tide, Slippy! Glad your son had a great time.</p>