<p>Just found out that I was denied from UCSC. This was the school I had the best chance of getting into. I had all my pre-reqs done and IGETC will be complete after I finish my spanish class and sent in a TAG agreement but they did not receieve it and I didnt know that until after I sent in my applicaiton. My GPA is around 2.8, which aint the best and I applied for a major in Legal Studies. I also applied to UCSB, UCI, and UCSD, but I know my chances of getting in there are slim to none just by looking at peoples responses on this board. So my best bet is to try and appeal to UCSC since its my best bet. Anyone on here know what makes a good appeal letter or can give me guidance please?!?!?!</p>
<p>Even if they would have received your TAG agreement, I believe for a TAG to have any meaning, you need to have at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. I don’t know how it is for UCSC, but I’m pretty sure that’s systemwide. </p>
<p>Not too sure about the appeal process, best of luck!</p>
<p>sorry about the rejection…i know how it feels. </p>
<p>The appeal letter is nothing like a personal statement. What you can include in the appeal letter are things that were not emphasized/included in your application. Basically you are just explaining why your application was not coompetitive…in your case your 2.8 gpa. why do have a 2.8 gpa? was it because of financial reasons? health/medical reasons? Also be requesting an appeal, the admission officers are going to re-review your application along with your appeal letter. usually only 10% of appeals are successful. I.E. 1000 appeals to UCSC only about 100 will be appealed. Be sure to write a really good lettter (not statement) along with other things such as teacher recommendation letters, transcripts, etc. More information will be given on the website regarding appeal procedure.</p>
<p>i appealed to UCI bus admin last year. was rejected twice (1 initial and 1 appeal ) T_T lulz. but its worht a try if you really want to get into UCSC. theres nothing to lose.</p>
when you wrote your appeal what was your agrument? what was your new and compelling info that hadnt been provided on your app? how soon did you get a response on your appeal rejection?</p>
<p>You should probably call them and ask them about the appeal process. I think it varies by school.</p>
<p>What are the chances of getting into UCSB, UCSC, UCI with a 2.99? Do they round up?</p>
<p>Guess min basically is 3.0. Even though the site says lower. It’s basically 3.0</p>
<p>so there is no hope at all of getting in anywhere??</p>
<p>Ucsc should be good. Igetc done?</p>
<p>yes i’m finishing my last igetc class this semester… but ucsc is my last choice. i’m hoping to get into uci… after this semester I will have atleast a 3.0 or higher but it’s tooo late!</p>
i wrote about how i increased my production during senior year of hs. straight A’s with 2 aps. hwo i continue to be active in clubs, and community service. etc etc. it wasnt long. maybe 1 1/2 pages.</p>
<p>The best thing to do is literally call UCSC and ask them why you got rejected. Don’t be offensive, but ask curiously. This bit of information will go a LONG way when drafting your appeal letter. I appealed UCSD in high school and got accepted (didn’t work with LA/Cal though)</p>
<p>but your appeal didnt work for irvine right?</p>
what was the reason for your orignal rejection to ucsd? did they tell you and what did you write on your appeal?</p>
<p>@ bballplyrref</p>
<p>nope…but i was appealing for UCI bus admin…was only liek 200ish spots for freshmen</p>
<p>They initially told me that my calculated score was a little low because my GPA wasn’t that high (think it was like a 3.6 weighted). So I wrote about legitimate issues I had sophomore year that impacted my grades and used documentation to prove it. I also included 2 letters of rec from teachers I’ve known for a few years, so I think that went a long way. </p>
<p>I also highlighted that I had a 35 on my ACTs and how that was way above average for UCSD applicants. Also I wrote that I’ve been approving on my grades ever since and said I had a 4.2 avg gpa for junior and senior year. Then I wrote about my interest in the econ department at UCSD and wrote a lot of specifics about the program.</p>
<p>ohh ok, so you had a really strong case… what was your hardship soph yr and what kind of documentation did you use? if you dont mind me asking</p>
<p>I used medical documentation for a couple of injuries I had soph year and how that impacted my ability to go to school (had the doctor write what I could and could not do in when I was injured). Then I wrote about a serious incident I had with my family that I experienced on a continual basis, so I wrote about how I eventually overcame that.</p>
<p>oh ok. i see. cuz i have a similar situation being that i too had a medical hardship(two eye surgeries to fix loss of vision and headaches throughout soph and junior year) but i am only inlcuding themedical documentation like pay stubs and doctors notes as well as surgery documentation copies. i don’t want to ask the doctor for a written letter because im afraid it will take too long. you think thats enough med documentation. ohh i also included some pretty nasty picks.</p>
<p>@bball </p>
<p>You should get in. Just explain everything and only talk about stuff you have documentation for. Don’t bring up headaches. They might have been really bad for you, but everyone has the occasional headache. I don’t know if including nasty pics are going to help you, lol. I think you can get in without the “wowing” them with blood.</p>