UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Inspired by @tamagotchi on another thread, I asked ChatGPT to give me some UC Berkeley jokes. Perhaps this will help pass the time as you await decisions? Comedy gold.

  1. Why did the UC Berkeley student refuse to take calculus? Because they knew they couldn’t integrate themselves into society.

  2. What do you call a UC Berkeley student with a football? Lost.

  3. How many UC Berkeley students does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they just declare darkness a new standard.

  4. Why did the UC Berkeley student cross the road? To protest against the chicken’s lack of representation in the animal kingdom.

  5. What do you call a UC Berkeley student who is also an astronaut? An interstellar protester.


Quite accurate!


For those who are following.





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I thought the comments on Reddit on this article were pretty funny.

(Spoiler: although it is true that 72656 > 72417, not everyone thinks this is a big enough difference to truly deserve a phrase like “record breaking”)


Yeah, an increase in applications by around 230 isn’t really record-breaking although it is a slight increase.

tbf, most hard to beat records get broken only by a very small increment. In 100m sprints, we don’t see records being broken by seconds - its often by 1/10th or 1/100th of a second.

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It is all a marketing gimmick. If they didn’t call it “record-breaking” would you have opened the link? :slight_smile:


In an unrelated news, average college applications per student was also probably up by a record breaking 1% :slight_smile:

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I believe this puts things in perspective. Now, no one will click on a link if I post something about “Recording Breaking Snowfall in California” … my bad!

@Gumbymom, are the info posted at UC Fall 2023 Admission Results | College Confidential accurate? Can you please confirm? Why does it still read as 2022?

Is anyone following these dates? Sorry, but I just stumbled on this

The admission decision dates listed for 2022 are correct. The countdown for 2023 decisions are not correct. UC Berkeley is the only UC that has confirmed their decision date as March 30, 2023. None of the other UC’s have given a specific decision date but historically UCLA releases results the 3rd Friday of March which is the 17th.


I don’t think there is equivalency for CS61A. Even transfer students are required to take it at Cal.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: UC Berkeley Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Chances at UC Berkeley for CS

10 posts were split to a new thread: Chances at UC Berkeley for CS

Deleted as no longer relevant based on moved discussion :slight_smile:

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I moved several posts regarding a posters chances at CS. I do not want to divert this discussion on one individuals chances so please refer to this new discussion: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/t/chances-at-uc-berkeley-for-cs/


Those dates are accurate for the dates decisions were released last year. It gives people a hint of what to possibly expect this year. The 2023 dates have not yet occurred…

Looks like UCSC hit the date. So we are hoping others will follow!