**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

GUYS im so ready i want this decision today :’)

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common sense is mid mar = 3/15

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they posted on their insta that it is mid-to-late march, so technically that could’ve inferred it might be next week. but i have a feeling its today or tomorrow

Ok thank you! I saw that UCSC does offer the minor I wanted to take as courses atleast so that’s great. :slight_smile: thanks for your input! I know minors dont matter much, but I was just a little hopeful I would be able to have ir certified and just do it a little more deeply as a minor than just a few courses

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You would think for how much money we are willing to pay to go to their school because we love it so much, that they would give us a date?

They know we be desperate to go there, and we will wait so they playin us :sob:

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@Anxiouscollegestuden You can rest assured now and congrats on having a home at UCSC already. My son has been anxious about acceptances so I can empathize. I majored in chemical engr and by nature of classes I had to take, I minored in Chemistry, too. I was so close already to the minor and I busted my chops to add additional classes for the minor and it never even meant anything. :joy: Now I wished I had taken more psych instead of the two extra Chem classes. I would’ve enjoyed psych classes more. Churn out that major and take classes you love. Not having the shackle of completing a minor could be a blessing. Good luck!!


Thank you! Where I live, I’ve never had a chance to take harder classes so I’ve always felt underwhelmed but I hope that college is different. I lile challenges and I’m so exicted. But this month anxiety is going over the roof. I sometimes think if it’s worth it but then I see the colleges and I get so excited. Good luck to your son for the remaining decisions!

The part of statement, “late march” is actually understandable. Each UC school has tons of applicants and the system can easily go wrong. That happened to the application system when we applied so it’s not rare. So even though I’m anxious, I don’t blame them for not giving us exact date. They have to play safe and not shooting themselves in the feet

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Agree with @MommaLue I know UCSC doesn’t even put your minor on your diploma. My S19 is contemplating a minor at ucsc but if he can’t go overseas to study for a quarter with their exchange program he’s not going to do it. It will keep him at school for an extra quarter with nothing to show for it. If he doesn’t do the exchange program he can graduate in three years. He won’t have the minor but will be able to take a bunch of extra classes in the field that interests him. The minor is not really worth it in his case.

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Someone on Reddit called an AO and they said its gunna be out on Friday morning!


AHH thank you!!!

lol then we need someone call UCSD AO


I called and received the same information. “have your child check on Friday morning”


that sounds like it will be released Thursday afternoon?


apparently people did and they wouldn’t give a straight answer://

I hope so. The waiting is agony. I think it feels even worse because everyone was saying it would be the 12th.


Im assuming around 8 am on friday? Thursday is a possibility but by their responses, the former sounds more likely.

they could be saying friday to try and prevent everyone from logging into the portal on thursday evening, but im just guessing, haha! dont they typically release decisions in the late afternoon?


Watch them pull an irvine ( ie announce results out of nowhere and unexpectedly) and send them today / tmrw :joy: