**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

ill take it!!!

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No complaints from me either
unless its another rejection :sob:


I was thinking the same
UCSB said in writing after 3:15, and they still released a couple hours earlier. I think the only thing we probably know for sure now is that it will likely be this week.


So, you’re telling me that UCD and UCLA and potentially UCSD (rumor and speculation) all release on Friday? That doesn’t sound right to me.


That’s why I feel like UCD will be today or tomorrow


If it is, I dont think my heart can handle a triple rejection, especially after uci and ucsb rejections too. Hope ucsd and ucd come out today/ tomorrow. :sob:


Exactly. Why wipe everyone out in one day? Space them out, will ya UC’s.


i feel like it just makes sense to do UCD today, UCSD tomorrow and leave UCLA for friday. But it’s never that easy lol


I don’t think the community college path is for everyone, and I really believe it would be discouraging for my son. Where I see it working is for an emotionally resilient student who is just certain they can do better on the next try. In my son’s case I am pretty sure it would feel like failing already and just be a downward spiral. Maybe I’m projecting here, but I see myself feeling that way (I went to a big state university and didn’t have to compete hard to get in but was in their honors program and felt a lot of external affirmation that way.)

So my advice in a case like that would be accepting the best offer you get and working in that framing, motivated by high-performing peers if you don’t feel self-motivated. In my son’s case, I also think he acts more mature when he doesn’t have his parents around judging, which is another problem with the local option.

This is not one-size-fits-all and I have heard of community colleges used as a springboard. It is certainly the most economical option.


I think you are spot on for some kids. Mine fit that bill. Also, I look at my s19’s friends that went the community college pathway. Whereas s19 is on track to graduate in three years, they are only hoping to transfer in three. That puts them 2-3 years behind. I think it has to do with overcrowding at the cc level. It’s hard for them to get classes required to transfer.

That would be ideal!

Might as well have UC Day and brand it. The office of the UC President needs a marketer.


I was thinking the UC’s should have one portal with one screen that has all the UC’s that you’ve applied to. And then there’s a “reveal” one by one.


:o that would be a good idea. instead of having several different portals with user ids and passwords gah


They used to only let you apply to one. If you did not get in, they sent the application to your next choice and so on.


@sushiritto Would require each UC to set aside ego and consolidate (make it simple for the students) and I don’t see it happening. I mean, if I’m the UCSB people, I wouldn’t want to give up my equity and so far, thats being transparent and having a really fun engagement with the students. They’ve been on fire the last 24 hours on social media.

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There used to be a deal in the early 80s that if you did not get in to Berkeley, you could go to Santa Cruz and if you did well, transfer to Berkeley in one year.

I applaud UCSB for their effort, but all they did was set a date and come up with a poem, which is not “brain surgery.” :grinning:

One portal with 1-9 with envelope icons (w/emblazoned mascot) that you click on and they open up with your decision. So much easier.


UCSB is making things fun on Instagram. I sent them a note and one of the AOs responded within an hour.

D18 got a Chancellor’s Scholarship a few years back and UCSB had this really nice reception at the San Jose Fairmont. I thought that was 1st class.

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