**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

If D21 is accepted, then I hope to loop back with you for more questions about Davis. If I may ask, and you can decline to answer, what is your D’s major at Davis?

We’re in the exact same boat! Davis is a slim chance, but we’re still crossing our fingers… Good luck!

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You are right, very similar. Our son was waitlisted at UCSC, University of Washington and Cal Poly. Denied at UCSB. He has great out of state and private options with generous merit (Loyola Chicago and Arizona are tops on that list). He applied at UCLA and UCB but understands those are very long odds. Just hoping for one outright acceptance in state. Davis would be awesome.

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Wishing all of the kids on this thread the best of luck.


On a random but relevant thread of thought. If someone in the future invents a machine that could power the world with anxiety, all you have to do plug it in college students awaiting decisions. :joy::sob:


You too! I really hope we have a decision on where she will go by graduation . . . .

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That’s kinda like the story of Monsters, Inc. :grinning:


Hey I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice regarding UC Davis. I applied as an Econ/international relations major. I got accepted into UCSC, UCSB, and UCI Honors so I assume I will be accepted into UC Davis as well. I am from Southern California and am very interested in UC Davis even though they are not known for their social sciences and are usually considered “less selective” than UCSB and UCI (no shade). I would like to leave Southern California and experience something new. Any advice?

Davis resident here, but no kids at UC Davis (go figure, they wanted to leave town!). Happy to answer any questions I can. We moved here a few years ago so I’m not as knowledgeable as some but happy to help in any way I can.


Knowing what you want to do after graduation is also a big factor to consider too I think. A lot of my IR friends are on the Pre-Law track so they intern around with law firms in the area and the pre-law society is pretty strong with many going to law school after Davis. Also having a law school on UC Davis’s campus is a bonus. A lot of my econ friends have internships/jobs with brands such as Amazon, HBO, and other big names and do on campus ambassador programs as well. I think the econ majors are very connected through business societys/clubs/frats and many of them find things they’re passionate about within the econ field from my POV.


Cognitive Science with a neuroscience emphasis.

@keslee88 Cog Sci is an interdisciplinary major that includes psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, computer science and philosophy. My child really enjoyed linguistics and took enough courses to receive a minor. Regarding housing, classes are all over campus and everything is an easy bike ride so there is not one dorm that is better than the other for a particular major. Later on after people are accepted and are making decisions, we can talk a little more about housing and the “personalities” of the different dorms. Or you can search this forum about previous posts about housing.


Thank You! I am not sure what I would like to do after graduation but having the option to do internships is huge so I am happy there are some available. My main concern is that Davis is larger than UCSB and I am afraid I will feel a little lost. I am just kind of wrestling with the idea of better ranking VS kind of a whim to leave Southern California for a school I have never visited. I do like nature and space though.

This is kind of random, but when my son and I toured campus last year (a few weeks before pandemic lockdowns) the tour guide was from Southern California, and I asked her how she picked Davis. I’m embarrassed to say I don’t really remember her answer, except that I think she wanted to try living in a different part of California. Also, she was very happy with life in Davis (well, she kind of had to say it, but sounded sincere). My son is waiting to hear from UCD. The only UC acceptance for him so far was Riverside, which is not his preference or mine, but I have thought it would be an adventure seeing a different part of California (we’re in the Bay Area).


Of course, internships are always available as long as you make the effort and reach out & even professors are happy to learn about your interests and put you in their research groups if you really show passion for their field of study! Davis’s campus is pretty big but as a current student, I don’t think it’s as big as people assume/think. I’m positive our “biggest UC campus” title comes also from additional farm/research land that Davis owns for being an agricultural university, but the space the campus comes with is amazing (more nature, more study places, etc)! I personally don’t find Davis’s campus too big but that may be from attending for a couple years (haha). We are so sustainable too and I love that about our campus!


Thank you! I just am nervous, assuming I get into UCSD and UC Davis, to pick a university I have never been to over one with more Econ/IR major options and with a better ranking. I really like Davis’s vibe. I am a little more of an introvert but I do like the option to go to a party or two (we are in a pandemic so it’s different) but that’s why I am turning down UCSB (they also do not have an IR major) and I am turning down UCI as it is wayyyy too close to home. I feel like UCSD is just a concrete jungle though, and I prefer UC Davis’s campus.


same, I put my major as linguistics but i might change to IR later. love the nature at davis

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Thanks to all who posted the Davis insights. Keep them coming. Since we’re all sitting around waiting…


Looks like that counselor email is confirmed by Ms. Sun. Decisions coming later today. If you find her on Twitter you can see the actual email.

Do your good luck rituals!


What if Ms. Sun getting her information from Reddit? :joy:


Good Luck to Everyone!