**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

what time approx would it come out for central?


Hello everyone and good luck! My older son is a sophomore at UCD and LOVES it! He is an OOS student (Washington) but pays in state tuition (military related reasons). My younger son is a senior this year and is excited to see if heā€™ll be accepted to his older brotherā€™s school but unfortunately for him he doesnā€™t qualify for in state tuition. We are in a tough situation because we want both our boys to have the same opportunities but $65K a year is STEEP!

Heā€™s already been accepted in state to UW engineering which is awesome and WSU with scholarship! Heā€™s been accepted to UCI and his first rejection was UCSB.

Excited for the announcement today! My older son has already told me that if he doesnā€™t get in to UCD, heā€™ll joke with him and say ā€œNot everyone can be great!ā€ Spoken like a true older brother! :wink:


Would you want to release AFTER UCLA? :grimacing:

Itā€™s a little like opening the package 10-pair of socks after receiving the pony on Christmas. :laughing: (jk)


UCSD should come out very soon I think personally. Considering UCSD and UCD were mostly the first ones to release their decisions, it is quite ironic they are this late into March.

@sushiritto Haha that is a good point. Although Davis is a very good school in its own right. Its agricultural and animal science/veterinary programs are top notch

Good luck you guys!!! Hoping to see a lot of accepted messages here :~)



good luck to everyone on here :slight_smile: wishing you all the best

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I am a parent of 4 kids; 3 who either just graduated or are currently attending UCD, UCSD and UCSB (my last kid is waiting for her decisions, just like all of you!). I can tell you that all of the campuses are unique and have their own features that make them special. UCD: connection to the town/community; UCSD: access to the beach, access to downtown San Diego/Balboa Park/Mission Bay and a BEAUTIFUL campus that I would NOT call a concrete jungle. UCSB: access to the beach from every single spot on campus! You cannot go wrong with any of these choices. My kids would repeat their experiences at their respective campuses! Good luck to all and to my own daughter as well!


what time today is UCD coming?

Absolutely! If we were fortunate enough to get acceptances from both UCLA and Davis, thereā€™s a greater chance of D attending Davis for that reason, the desired program.


No one knows about the specific time today. I understand Ms. Sun/admission office has confirmed that it is releasing later today. I have to assume it would be around 5 pm PST.

iā€™m going to start checking around 2:30-3 based on ucsb and uci. hopefully they release all at once and not in waves


Irvine was just cruel.


UCSB started releasing at 2:05. Iā€™m hoping Davis is the same!


this isnā€™t stopping me from already reloading the portal though lol


I just hope Davis releases their decisions for everyone at the same time, despite if they are rejected, waitlisted, or accepted (Unlike that one UC). This seems moral and respectful.


What is your daughterā€™s first pic? With her siblings at 3 of the best UC campuses, Iā€™m sure sheā€™s had the opportunity to get a feel for each. Good luck to her as well!

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Well, we coached her to refrain from having any kind of first pic (itā€™s just way too unpredictable even with a decent GPA!) but she secretly wanted UCSB and that ship has sailed! ā€¦Good luck to your student as well!