**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

Sorry. I didn’t know.

what about ucsd? do you think it will be released around the same time?

No worries. My D is in at SLO and everything else is gravy. :+1:


Wow, so bummed. I had today on my calendar. Thought is was a for sure. (I have a bunch of release dates on my calendar, but didn’t note which were official, and which were speculation.) My kid has not gotten any decisions yet at all, and I really need this to start. Thankfully these are not on his calendar, so he won’t be disappointed. I’m the more anxious one on this. I need to know my baby’s future!!! And I just mean in a will he be moving out in just five months kind of way?!!?!? If so, where!?!?!? This is a big deal for us parents! LOL

Best of luck to everyone. Ugh.


It is so rough when they don’t have rolling admissions and you have to apply and wait so long.

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I bet it’ll be tomorrow


I have a question while we are waiting. My son got WL for Davis LAST YEAR. My daughter is waiting for decisions this year. He was a high stat kid but not fabulous. He applied to ME. He got in to SLO, UCI, UCSD, UCSB and WL to UCLA. He was a strong candidate but not one of those off the charts, Ivy destined kids. Anyway, we could not figure out why he got WL at Davis. Anyone have any theories. I’ve already told my daughter to prep to be WL.

what makes you think that? are they trolling us or trying to prevent their portal websites from traffic?


it’s sometimes due to the yield protection. some really high stat students get rejected or waitlisted because colleges think they are unlikely to enroll to their school.

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Do the UCs really do that? He also got into UCR and UCSC. You would think he would have gotten WL there too. I think there is something more clandestine going on. :grimacing:

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I heard Davis looks for “fit” whatever that means. I guess they evaluate essays and may have a particular type of kid they are looking for in any given year. My 1st son, too, was not accepted two years ago. Let’s see if son # 2 this year is what they are looking for. It’s a crap shoot either way so don’t sweat it too much. :blush:

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i have a feeling that they said its next week so we wouldn’t be on the portal so much but it’ll either be today or tomorrow because historically, next week will be the latest they’ve released them, but since this year is covid things could be different

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Yeah, I’m not but I do like learning all the ins and outs of this college stuff. Fit does sound like a good explanation but his essays and ECs were pretty well rounded. They must be looking for specifics.

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I know some students who got into ivies but rejected or waitlisted at davis. Like @TwoforT said, they look for a fit and here and there, they accept some high stats students that might bump up their acceptance stats so that it looks more prestigious or competitive.

I’m guessing tomorrow is most likely date - but could be Monday as well.

this is a very specific case, but my friend (c/o 2019) wrote one of her essays about her love for cities, and she was rejected from Davis but got into Berkeley. she had excellent stats, ecs, etc. definitely seems like they want to protect their yield and build a community that will fit together well!

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In the past, UCD released acceptances the week before UCLA and UCSD. It looks like UCLA should be March 19 (because alumni are reading scholarship applications on March 20-21).

Things could be different this year so we will have to wait and see.

4 years ago my oldest heard from UC Davis and UCSD on the same day, which would be tomorrow!! hoping we hear tomorrow from these two!

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I think so. Hopefully our two younger ones will get in this year!

Yes wishing them both the best. Do they want to go to the same school?