I will be transferring to a four year in the fall, and I got into UCLA and UC Davis. Berkeley I will hear from today!! I was set on Davis but now I am not too sure because I got into UCLA which i did not think was possible. What do you guys think?

Are you from Yuba College as well?

yes i am

Based on reading CC threads for some months now, it appears the pre-med courses are generally the same quality at UCD, UCB, and UCLA.

UCB and UCLA have merciless curves for the lower division pre-med. if you still need to take any of these courses. So lots of weeding out. I don’t know if they curve the upper division courses at UCB and UCLA. I suspect there’s a lot less curving at the upper division level, but it probably depends on your major and professor.

To the extent you’re competing for grades (i.e., curves), there will undoubtedly be tougher competition at UCB and UCLA based on the ACT test scores for incoming freshmen. UCD won’t be a walk in the park.

We spent a couple days visiting UCLA, about a half day at UCD, and about a half day at UCB, UCLA is much more crowded than UCD, but we also felt a positive vibe overall. There are a ton of activities at UCLA. It was our favorite campus of the three. We very much liked the feel of UCD and the City of Davis. We did not get a warm feeling about UCB, but felt nothing bad about the campus. Some of the urban areas adjacent to UCB seem a bit sketchy.

In terms of getting into med. school, there should be little difference between UCD, UCB, and UCLA assuming you have the same GPA and MCAT from each. It might be easier to get medical-related experience at UCD and UCLA due to the presence of their medical schools.

Good luck!

Awesome! Congrats on your Davis, LA, and Berkeley decisions. I applied to Davis,SD, SC, and Berkeley and was only rejected by Berkeley.

where are you going now?

Likely choosing San Diego!

Congrats to you both, @yubagirl50 and @Vscrl00 ! Can you share your GPA / SAT / ACT numbers please?

@meandadoftwo Thanks! We’re transfers. I have a ~3.95 gpa. I did not take any exams for SAT / ACT in high school.

I have a 3.6 GPA and I am a biochem transfer!

@Vscrl00 What’s your major?