Uc gpa

<p>Since apparently there’s an honors cap of 8 semesters, does that mean that if I took more they instead lowered my GPA?</p>

<p>I took 24 semesters over 10th/11th, and 12 of those are weighted. A’s in all.</p>

<p>Sorry if I sound like I’m asking about something that makes a (relatively) small difference. But our school has us fill out some stuff as a “profile” for recommenders, and it asks for UC GPA. Bleh.</p>

<p>Thanks to all!</p>

<p>Yes this is confusing.</p>

<p>You can only use 8 for calculating your “UC GPA” but most of the UCs including the most competitive ones don’t use this number for admissions. They will take into account the honors classes. Assuming the classes are UC approved honors classes. Many are not.</p>

<p>Let me reiterate what FarWestCoast said about UC approved honors: Just because your school considers it an honors class doesn’t mean the UCs do as far as weighting goes. That happened with my AP Macro class: The school considers it honors and it is indeed an AP class, but for whatever reason it wasn’t approved for honors weighting from the UCs.</p>