UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

my exact problem bruh if a wave comes out and i’m not in it i am going to freak out i got waitlisted at uci too and when their waves came out and i got nothing i was stressed :-1:

naw bc i hope they’re reading this thread and realize damn they’re funny… and accept all of us for having personality

naw if im not in the first wave i think i genuinely will go into cardiac arrest like wdym more waiting

I got you bro. A lot of people are getting off UCSB today but I got nothing :sob:

SAME lmao

I saw someone get off with the major I applied as and I just realized its over for me :joy:

i feel like i’m watching the grass grow i fr check this website and it’s some other UC that isn’t san diego…best friend what happened? pls i will literally bark and woof for u i am that desperate

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i’m cryingggg just know that would be in all caps if this forum wouldnt mark my posts in all caps as spam

:sob: you still have chance at least you know your major is not filled I didn’t even see people with my major get off

samee :sob: i be checking this forum and reloading my email like 100 times a day

im crazy for ucsd like not me checking class of 2026 waitlist thread to see the times when people got acceptances back :sob:

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do uk what time did they usually send the email at? for ucla i noticed its like always super early at around 8am :sob:

okay wait guys i have a question… so i saw on last year’s forum that people that were waitlisted had the “upload materials” section on their portal pop up if they were about to get in. do some of you guys have it? or not have it? i’ve had it since i made my account in the portal to submit immigration documents so i don’t know if that’s a thing this year too but im desperate for any sort of hint that admissions are coming soon

also the thread is in slow mode now ahhhhh we have to wait 15 mins between posts

it seems most everyone got theirs around 4:30-5 pm

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i only see forms like optional survey and california residency for tuition purposes :sob:

no “upload materials”? … if not then i guess maybe we just keep an eye out if it starts popping up for people, because that started happening last year right before acceptances for waitlist would be released

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so there was no waitlist movement today-

i have the upload materials section, but i’ve also had it since i created my portal/shortly after i created my portal

what I don’t have any of this!!

I’ve also had this since the time I got my account months ago, but I’m a resident in California. I’m curious if it’s a regional thing? If you’re also a resident in California then nvm I’m just as lost