UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

wondering the same thing

Congratulations to all the admits and hang in there for the others still waiting. Many times this can be a drawn out process. Be patient and treat your fellow waitlisted students with kindness and understanding while they wait for their decisions.


If they’re going to release multiple waves, are they just going to admit people with the same majors as they did in last wave?

They will admit based on their institutional priorities so it could be that have not released all the admit decisions for all the majors yet. If there are spots available for the same majors after the SIR deadline for the current admits passes, then they could admit more students with those majors.

This year has been an exception since they have historically admitted very few Capped majors. Every year varies so no one can predict what will happen this year. Having seen that all the UC’s have shown waitlist movement, it appears that the UC’s have been cautious with their admits this year and are relying on the waitlists to reach their target enrollments.


Sorry for asking someone you already answered, but I just would like some clarification.

So you’re saying every wave some people get admitted but some people get taken off the waitlist with denials? Is it to weave people in/out?

i think denials come closer to the very end

Is it reasonable to believe they’re admitting by major?

does this mean that the first wave was based on the current lists to register and then future waves will change based on how this first wave responds?

Last year they denied some waitlist list applicants early and kept some on a waitlist until June. Historically, they usually admit off the waitlist until they reach their target enrollment and then deny the rest.

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Oh okay, thanks for the clarification. Thanks for all the help you’ve done on this forum.

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Again, it varies. They could do another wave before the current admits respond or they could wait until after the SIR deadline for this group, re-evaluate and admit more if spots are still open.

so basically pray, got it :sob:

i’m hoping there’s another wave before may 16 so i don’t have to pay the SIR deposit for davis :sob::sob::sob:

when people need to accept for this wave?


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someone said the 17th in here

does this wave account for most of the spots they had available and the next are solely a response to this one? or are they kind of independent of another another. i know you mentioned that they could have possibly not have released all the admit decisions for all the majors yet ( i have yet to see any admits for either of mine even though i know not everyone posts) i know this is probably a dumb questions but the uc’s are not very communicative with how their waitlists work :-1:

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DD got off today today for Environmental Systems and Policy. She’s so confused now because she got off UCSB waitlist yesterday. She SIRd to UCI. Help!

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I do not work in admissions and this wave does not seem to represent all the possible major spots available but only time will tell. Usually you see more Uncapped majors and Undeclared admits.

No, the UC’s do not communicate how their waitlists work since they cannot predict until all the SIR’s are submitted and they can determine if there is room for more students.


Yes, my son has to respond by 5/17.

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