UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

I am sure there is some “method to the madness” when it comes to selecting waitlist admits but unfortunately no one outside of admissions is privy to their decision process. Waitlist admits are based on institutional needs so if they need to fill a specific spot, they will target waitlist students that fit that specific profile. This is why you cannot determine if or when you will be admitted off the waitlist and why they state you need to SIR to another school and move on. There are no guarantees.

Last year, UCSD did something a little different with their waitlist and denied some students earlier than normal and kept a short list of potential students on the waitlist in case spots opened up later rather than keep all students in limbo and then denying all students when the waitlist closed.

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all other ucs have released some waitlist results by today?

I have seen waitlist admits posted from UCSC, UCI and UCD (small wave). Rare admits from UCLA and UCSB.

It has nothing to do with being a good look or not, it means that most kids have accepted their spots. The schools which are already letting in their waitlisted kids means they had less kids accept then they expected.

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Any update for WL? Looks like most of UCs did something already but not UCSD. I hope not like 2021 again… :pray: :pray:

Never heard of anyone got off wl for UCSD, so sad :smiling_face_with_tear: :melting_face:

Gumbymom said that last year the first admits were on May 9, so it still may be coming.

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:pray: :pray:Do they guarantee the dorm for people out from WL? UCI doesn’t and not sure about other UCs

Some UC’s guarantee housing for waitlisted admits and some do not. I would contact UCSD about waitlist admits to confirm. Last year, housing was guaranteed for waitlist admits. I cannot find anything specific that counters this information for this year.


Any update?

nope :broken_heart: i am so desperate

same :frowning:

Would be great if UCSD starts releasing decisions. UCSC started some waitlist admits yesterday, and asks for commit by the 12th. I don’t dare hope for UCSD waitlist admit, better take the bird in the hand of UCSC. If UCSD actually came through, which I guess could happen mostly in May but possible if unlikely even in June or July, I guess I can bail on UCSC? What kind of housing is guaranteed at UCSD, or what is the situation for off campus? UCSC I think only guarantees freshman year on campus, and it’s said to be quite difficult and expensive to find off campus housing there. Might have to commute from over the hill.

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Didn’t you say that UC Davis was your top choice? Has that changed?

Yeah unfortunately my opinion has changed :sob: sd offers a major that’s more fitting to what I want to go into and I’m kind of realizing that my family is kind of biased towards davis to some extent whereas I’m leaning towards san diego, so this has influenced some of my opinions as well :// also I kind of want some clarity as for my final decisions atp


Yes, you can accept a spot at UCSC and then if another school comes through later, you can accept a spot there and just give up your spot at UCSC (but relinquish your deposit). Congratulations on the acceptance!


someone said they got off the waitlist yesterday- it was on tik tok though so idk if its accurate


Does UCSD consider alternative major when admitting from waitlist? Or we can only get off from our first choice major?


UCSD considers the alternate major, first choice major and sometimes admits Undeclared.


can you share the link?

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