UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Has anyone who got off the waitlist been emailed about applying for housing?

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any chance for today or am i js dreaming?

I would say nope. If thereā€™s gonna be another wave itā€™s gonna be tomorrow onwards. Hopefully Iā€™m wrong and they do it early :smiling_face_with_tear:

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idk i know people at my school who got off today, so I guess they released some

huh when??

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a few hours ago ish

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dyk what majors

has anyone else heard about ppl getting off today?


Havenā€™t seen or heard. Isnā€™t the deadline to SIR at midnight?

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my friend is undeclared and they got in and they showed me the letter lol

ur friend gotta be jesus or smth cuz they the old ones who got in :skull_and_crossbones:

Is it from today or last week? Did you check the date?

today I donā€™t want to leak who they are though (for privacy reasons) also there were multiple people, and my school is the kind of school where people lurk on Reddit for waitlist updates/constantly check emails (not to mention that since a lot of our finals are over people just check their emails out of boredom)

soooooā€¦ only people from your school got off the waitlist? :sob: iā€™d expect more people on this forum to say something


Could you hide their name and send a screenshot?

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I mean, most people I know donā€™t even have an account here; they just stalk the forums so not everyone puts their decisions on here

hol on iā€™m still trying to cross out their name Iā€™m on my computer so itā€™s pretty clunky editing on it

true true but the last wave seemed kinda small and people still posted so if multiple people from your school got off, then it mustā€™ve been a bigger wave and people would still post. just wanting to confirm!

also, there werenā€™t that many people who got off today; it was just a handful, and they had already committed to another UC and are planning on withdrawing their commitments to the other place

yes I text off of ig :sob: