UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

yeah they did put short listed admits the day before the second wave so maybe that is what this was? either that or it was hidden in the promotion folder and people just didn’t see it either one of those. best of luck to you, sorry for doubting you :cry:

the waiting game is horrible fs :broken_heart: that would make sense though because I think that san diego did that last year (same date)

So last year did San Diego only have 2 big waves? lowk concerning as the first wave this year was mostly data science, and if they stick with 2 waves like last year, then all the non-data science majors will be at the mercy of this next wave thats likely coming tmr or friday

That is super good :+1: which UCs you were off from WL and what is your major?

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i’m committed to uci for biosci but waiting on ucsd. does anyone know if one is in anyway better for premed?

ucsd is better in bio

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i think what did happen was that people didn’t see they got in may 10th and were renotified or something… i saw someone on tik tok say he got off may 10th but found out today and only had like 7 hours to make a decision but was still apart of the first wave. hoping for something these coming days :crossed_fingers:


Anyone heard of any movement for Chemistry from waitlist?

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god i really freaking hope that there’s still a chance. i missed the sir deadline for uc davis and now i’m not committed anywhere :confused: i’m freaking out, san diego is literally my last hope


You should really try to email ucd

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I agree with @momo9 that if you contact UCD, they may allow you to SIR late. You never know until you try.


called the admissions office yesterday and told them my situation, they said there’s nothing they can do :confused: should i still try emailing?

I will send you a PM since I do not want to derail this UCSD discussion.


anything today?

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Nothing yet. If something is going to come out, it’ll probably be around 4:30.

I’m betting that something is definitely coming out today or tomorrow. I really hope it is, I’m still on the waitlist :sob:




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Probably tomorrow since that’s what they did last year. 9 days after first wave


smh uci just released their waitlists and ucsd is a sitting duck rn