*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

So if admitted, the only option is to switch majors after one semester right?


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Yes, unless there is screening courses that have to be completed prior to changing majors which could take longer than 1 semester.

Gumbymom, do you think they will release wl decisions before May 1st this year for the college of Letters and Science

has no one else here heard of college of chem wl decisions yet? only jacky1? lol

No clue since it depends upon how many students enroll prior to May 1. With the waitlist deadline extended, it could indicate they may start admitting sooner than later.

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Wait people are hearing back already, that quick. And I thought they reevaluate all waitlist applicants after the deadline, not before.



College of chemistry could be different than L&S

also COC here but haven’t heard anything
 ughh please don’t get my hopes up

that prolly means that they have some sort of ranking? someone i know got a likely letter from Cornell, was waitlisted, and got off a few days ago

LMAO so I spent hours on my LOCI for no reason

Never trust the AOs lmao

Does anyone know what time on may 7 the first wave of acceptances comes out?

Also if u didn’t have the option for changemakers check again!! My waitlist portal just updated to give me the option for change makers, does anyone know if we can opt into both FPF and changemakers??

I think someone earlier this year said that opted in both options are possible.

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My parents wouldn’t pay the extra fees to potentially boost my chances of getting in Berkeley. I applied to Rausser College of Natural Resources and have no idea how competitive waitlist admissions are. I didn’t put too much hope in getting in the traditional pathway. Good luck to every one of y’all especially the L&S guys!

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Does anyone else now have the option for both?? I used to just have FPF

Mine still doesn’t have that option
what college did u apply to?

L & S as legal studies major, what did u apply to