*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

L & S Biological Sciences

I applied to haas and got waitlisted. what happens next ?

What extra fees can be paid to boost your chances of getting in Berkeley?

There are extra fees/costs associated with FPF and Changemakers. You are not boasting your chances to get off the waitlist if you select these options since based on previous years, these alternate pathways were only offered vs. the traditional pathway at least for the L&S majors.

Which program did u apply to? MET or GMP?

I applied to the program which says ā€œintending a major in business administration in the Haas school of businessā€. this major comes under L&S, but isnā€™t Haas a seperate school ?

If itā€™s under L&S, Are you allowed to choose FPF or changemaker?

I was given an option of choosing fpf, but I chose to go with traditional. what I donā€™t understand is that if I get off the waitlist, where am I actually admittedā€¦

I think in a special program of L&S?

@vbirla8: If you get off the waitlist and there are no spots for the Traditional pathway then you will be given an alternate pathway choice.

If I said I would go into fpf is there a chance I can still be admitted in the traditional pathway?

@lis1: Haas is not a direct admit for Business administration. You have to complete pre-req courses and apply at the Junior level to complete the Business admin degree.


You would select the FPF or Changemaker options since you are admitted into L&S.

FPFā€¦ theoretically yes, but itā€™s unlikely, Iā€™ve never heard of any one got into traditional after checking FPF. And honestly FPF is a pretty ass program for stem guys lol.

What I have seen in the last several years is that for the College of L&S, waitlist admits rarely got the Traditional pathway. Last year, no one was offered the Traditional Pathway.

Hopefully, the extension of the deadline is a good sign. Keeping our fingers crossed, with one of our twins and their elder brother (for MS) having accepted their admission offers already.


but didnā€™t they like extend the deadline for submitting the application back in November as well? there were still great volume of applicants :pensive::confounded:

thats completely independent lol. they extended the app deadline because of glitches, theres nothing like that for the wl form


so the only explanation for the extension is that not many people opted in ig

Or maybe there are already enough ppl but they just want more lol

nah gumby thats not true at all. your sample size is flawed as most of the people from my school district and around the bay area were able to be offered the traditional pathway. In fact most of the FPF are OOS. Also look at reddit

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