*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

mine went from access denied to “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application”

yeah everyone has that

If I don’t check the FPF box and was admitted, would I still only be given the options to do the alternative pathways? Or would Berkeley directly admit waitlist applicants into FPF and reject those who do not choose FPF ?

you can be given the fpf option even if u dont opt in

I just checked my waitlist opt-in form and I think there is a new confirm prompt under FPF that says “I understand that if admitted to Berkeley from the wait list…” I don’t remember this being there before today.

i remember it being there

Yes you will be given FPF even if you don’t check it. And I think it’s prolly gonna increase your chance of getting the traditional path.

I didn’t have that either before today so I just updated it to confirm rn

I see. thanks! But just make sure, Berkeley admits waitlist applicants regardless if they check fpf, but just gives tells them to choose fpf/alternative pathways if they didn’t originally check it?

I also have a new box but it’s under Changemaker and not FPF


Ok Thank you!

Same here. So I just confirmed and updated it

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Guys if you are going to pursue STEM majors is it better to just not opt-in the FPF and hope that you can get in with the Traditional Pathway? I heard that FPF is not “course-friendly” for STEM majors.

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My friend at Berkeley did FPF and is pursuing pre-med. She said it wasn’t that great for her because they didn’t offer many STEM-oriented courses.

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Im being paranoid but college dont see if u just click on the withdraw application page right

No lol they are not fbi


Hi, I chose to be only considered to the traditional pathway as an incoming CNR student.

I was wondering if I have an equal chance of getting in as Arts and Sciences Student? I heard Berkeley also admits student to spring 2022, would I be more likely to be admitted to that program than Fall program?

You mean letters and sciences? If so, I dont think so