Ucd Vs Ucr

<p>Im still contemplating over the decision of either attending UCD or UCR. I live in Southern California, and Riverside is only an hour away from my home. I’ve only gotten a chance to visit Riverside, and I thought it was pretty nice, just seemed a little dull in activity. I feel that I should go to UCD to be more independent and get out of my comfort zone, giving me more life skills. Thing is, my parents are not in the best of shape health wise and I feel bad not being able to help them out much for four years. Taking this into account, is it really a no contest decision of UCD over UCR like many people tell me?</p>

<p>Also, I applied for the major of Computer Engineering. How do the two schools compare with each other in this major? UCR claims to have the best engineering program for a college of its size in the nation. Not sure about Davis.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the input!</p>

<p>due to health concerns and family responsibilities. choose UCR brother.</p>

<p>My daughter's "only" choice is UCD Aero Eng. She was rejected & is waiting on the appeal (the agony!). She has been accepted & will probably go to UCR assuming UCD does not come thru. We visited UCD last summer (wonderful campus) & UCR 2 wks ago (surprisingly lovely campus, considering it's location -- Riverside!). We live in SD, so the less than 2 hr drive to UCR is primo. If you want to get technical about who has the "better" engineering school -- I think UCD will probably win that hands down. But UCR definitely is a good school & has, as you say, one of the best engineering schools of it's size. We also noted the multiple new eng bldgs being built. You sound to me like a loving child who's college bound. UCR will probably be your best choice based on your priorities -- which, I think, are appropriately placed. Good luck to you.</p>