<p>I got in as undeclared in both, but I’m mostly leaning towards either economics or computer science and I want to know which would be the better school for either or both of these majors. I know that in UCSD the computer engineering majors are impacted which I am also taking into account because I’ve heard from some people that it’s hard to get those majors once you’re undeclared. My parents and friends are telling me to go to UCSD because it’s ranked higher than UCD. While I know that ranking isn’t everything, I hear that employers seeing that you’ve graduated from UCSD will make them more likely to hire you versus graduating from UCD. Also, the college I got into at UCSD is Revelle and the GE requirements are crazy and don’t have much to do with either major I’m leaning towards, so I’m thinking that I would be able to graduate in less years at UCD.</p>

<p>UCSD and UCD were ranked the same this year.</p>



<p>Who did you hear that from? Did an employer tell you that? I’m curious to hear.</p>

<p>I am choosing between these schools (and Cal Poly) too.
UCD is much closer to home but UCSD is more highly regarded (which is whatever to me) and also its just amazing. I got into Revelle as well and with my major I would have to stay for 5, maybe even 6, years! Also apparently UCSD is just okayish for my major (chemical eng) buy I have no idea about davis…
I know for UCD you can’t use AP credits for GE’s. Is that significant considering I got Revelle?</p>

<p>@$KingsElite$ I just read it on a post here on CC. Any idea if it’s true? </p>

<p>@mundane How do you know we can’t use AP credits? So if I passed an AP test in high school, I would still have to take that class at UCD?</p>

<p>You can’t use AP units for GE’s at UC Davis. You can skip the classes they’re equivalent to, but it doesn’t count for Gen Eds. However, our Gen Eds are extremely lenient. Your major itself will likely cover at least 1/3 of the GEs; some cover 100% of them.</p>

<p>Note: A 4/5 on an AP English exam can be used to skip the lower division writing requirement. I guess it’s not considered a GE.</p>

<p>@solvethatrubix I looked up GEs and AP credit policy on the school’s respective website. Revelle seems crazy even with a few AP exemptions. less of a big deal depending on your major apparently.</p>

<p>@JeSuis Thanks for the clarification.</p>

<p>I was thanking maybe if I got into a college at UCSD with easier GEs then AP’s would have made a difference (vs going to somewhere that doesn’t use AP’s) but with Revelle probably not. I haven’t see anyone complain about Davis’s GE’ so I figured they’re fine.</p>