<p>I am still deciding which one is better than, honestly i do not really care about the learning environment. I concern more about the social life. I heard both good stuffs and bad stuffs from each University. Like UCD is next to a farm and weather sucks. UCSD is next to a beach, pretty nice weather but it’s kind of boring. So which one would you rather go from your own opinion other than their rankings in academic.</p>

<p>I chose UCSD, and it is not as boring as everyone says. If you look for entertainment of whatever kind, be it frat parties or club, you’ll find it, but it won’t come to you, you have to actively look.</p>

<p>UCSD is only marginally better than UCD as far as prestige goes. As far as social life goes, UCD seems to be the better choice, by far. The sports and school spirit are tremendous at Davis, two things UCSD is lacking.</p>

<p>You said the weather in Davis sucks. Where are you from?</p>

<p>I’m from the Bay Area, and I go to UCD, and I tihnk the weather sucks :)</p>

<p>i went to davis last year in decemeber and i swear it was so cold that I COULDNT even TALK. it was just FREEZING</p>

<p>U can always put on some winter clothes…</p>


<p>I hope you never leave California then cause you’ll die.</p>

<p>What you call freezing, 90% of the US would call a warm winter day. Just saying.</p>