UCI withdrew my admission... wrongly?

@Mylifeisscrewed: Do you have a copy of the message? I would send the copy in with the appeal.

Yes I do… but what if I already sent in my appeal? :o

Update: I’m at SPOP which is pretty cool

@CVucci: Meaning you were not rescinded???

Congratulations. What’s SPOP? (Sorry, I’m on the East coast.)

SPOP is UCI’s freshman summer orientation. I was supposed to go today but they withdrew my admission… I didn’t know we could still attend SPOP??

Still rescinded amongst 300+ others? Yes. Do I care? No. I came and basically all that means is that I miss out on class registration but I pretty much get the full experience, I even got my very own ID! I just went bc I read on another forum from 2010 that someone went so I went with my friend and next thing you know I’m bonding amongst my hall mates haha. If you have any question feel free to ask.

Aw wow I should’ve went, just to meet people and for the expierence as well. Since I didn’t go, would I be able to get a refund?

@owgem0 not too sure on refund, thus why I took my chances. The only repercussion is that IF I get reinstated then I’ll lose priority for my class schedule since I’m talking to my counselor separately. But all in all I don’t regret going at all and also there’s the risk of losing my money which greatly encouraged me to go haha

I hope this works out for each of you. please keep us updated.

Any updates?

Umm my appeal is still pending but I heard a handful of kids already got reinstated whoops. ASUCI made a google form and I’m pretty sure SPOP 3 just ended like right now as I’m typing this.

Well, that’s good… I am a student at UCI and I just heard about this yesterday. I was just wondering what reasons they gave for rescinding their applications? If anyone who got reinstated could fill us in on what they told you that would be nice.

My reason’s stated on the first page of this forum-thread-thing whatever you wanna call it. They’re actually being extremely vague with their reasons and straight up refuse to tell you precisely, which is obviously super sus and irks me a lot. In hindsight UCI is looking for whatever reason they can rescind you for, a bad grade, sub par GPA, late transcripts, etc. With that in mind 300+ students already got rescinded (even after their spop and registration) and more are probably coming by the boatload. UCI says they’ll try their best to alleviate the situation but I mean we all know that’s just malarkey. Zot zot zot

Look at this article:

Wow! 500 UCIrvine offers rescinded! Terrible!

Dw there’s more to come :slight_smile:

I’ve been thinking of you since you first posted. I hope things are working out. Are you still rescinded? Are you in? Just so sorry this is happening to you and 499 of your closest friends.

UCI reinstated all those who had technical problems like info missing off the transcripts or transcripts not received on time, but those who were rescinded because of D’s or F’s, or failing to have a 3.0 gpa, which are about 200 of the original 500. They are still reviewing appeals on those students.

Warning regarding “The Anteater Leadership Academy” option for UC Irvine students who may be facing rescission.


Well to be frank I’m actually not acquainted to the other 499+ students haha. Anyhow I was actually told about from a CC counselor that while the exciting end of the spectrum is being alleviated, it’s the polar opposite for the other end. UCI isn’t leaving this empty handed, the violators “in review” are not going to have their appeals granted, they’re done for, which basically means there’s no compelling appeal in the world that can reinstate anyone who wasn’t a victim of technical issues. And to address the Anteater Leadership Academy thing I never had any intentions on being a part of it bc I had known it was a ploy for UCI’s benefit, but nonetheless good job on the heads up. Also for good taste: UCLA rescinded 7 students, UCSD 9 and UCI 500 and counting.