UCI withdrew my admission... wrongly?

this is the latest from the school as at 8/2/2017


I just checked my portal because I had a good feeling that there was going to be an update and saw that I had been reinstated!! I had gone up to UCI a few times to talk to the counselors, and they told me that it was a slim chance. I called yesterday for a little more than an hour to try and get every bit of information, the student put a senior advisor on and we talked for sometime. I don’t know if the decision was before talking with him yesterday, but I believe it somehow helped.

Hey that’s awesome! What did you guys talk about haha

Since I didn’t really void any of the freshman conditions, I asked whether the chancellors message still applied to me. We just talked about who reads it, and seeing if there were other people I could talk to and stuff. I also submitted an appeal so it was probably because my appeal was granted.

And so this didn’t have anything to do with belated transcripts and such? I.e. This strictly had to do with your provisional record being allegedly violated if I’m not wrong.

Anyhow I’m already pretty far with the backup CC plan (hopefully if all goes well I can see myself at USC by my sophomore year)

A reply would’ve been nice but it’s fine bc I got reinstated (yay) now I just have to pinch myself to make sure this isn’t a pipe dream (zot zot zot)

Congratulations!! :slight_smile:
There was even a column in the NYT about how UCI made a mistake and, instead of doubling down like many administrations would have done, rectified it. (The column is called " a university makes a mistake" something like that, if you want to read it, and the comments are interesting. There’s also a discussion here on the parents’forum.)
Now UCI will have to find instructors and classrooms and dorms … In two weeks. Ouch.

@MYOS1634 I can’t find that article but either way that’s UCI’s fault they brought it upon themselves to be frank. @pmal10 well a quick scroll to your thread got me the answer, to sum it up ALL the late transcripts students are getting reinstated; however kids like me (I.e. The violaters) are getting the short end of the stick, but nonetheless I’m grateful for being reinstated despite the circumstances.

ALSO thanks everyone for your advices and concern, it still kinda blows me away that I was the first one to post about this issue and that my thread has, what I believe is to be, the most views (relative to the subject at hand). Hopefully this thread can be a somewhat comprehensive reference for anyone else in a similar situation.