UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@gloriaborger Don’t think of it as paying for summer. Think of it as spreading out a fixed cost over more months to lessen the amount. Housing costs the same whether you pay in full, monthly, or quarterly.

I understand. Thanks :smile:

Everyone has to make payments in the summer for housing .

@10s4life, hello my child is on the waitlist at UCLA and was just notified that they will be receiving a STEM award at the end of the month. Do you think it’s worthwhile to try to submit that through a LOCI or in some other manner? Thank you.

Is the Renters Insurance offered through GradGuard worthwhile?

Our home owner’s insurance will cover our son while he is in school but it comes with a high deductible which limits its usefulness. The most expensive items he will have are a laptop, a tablet and a smart phone none of which are significantly over our deductible in value.

@CalDreaming: I think is too late submit any more additional information for waitlisted applicants. You can try but most likely it will not be considered.

@ngopalan Don’t think it’s really necessary. After 2 years on the hill I never heard of someone’s stuff getting stolen and needing renters insurance.

@CalDreaming Unfortunately I think it’s too late and to begin with sending unsolicited letters don’t even get considered in the first place. New awards and accomplishments are not allowed because to make things fair only stuff prior to submitting the initial application is considered. People who sent in “LOCI” and got in can’t trace getting in to the letter since AOs don’t read them at UCLA. It just so happens they sent one and got in.

hello, my son is on the waitlist UCLA. We haven’t heard anything yet from UCLA. Do they continue to review waitlisted applicants since it passed May 15 now…Please advise. Thanks

What is your experience with students registering for classes and successfully getting into their desired classes? If a student is signed up for a particular session does it matter if more students from the same major attend the same session? The availability of the required classes likely to be closed? The idea that one hope’s not very many students with your major signed up for your session makes sense?

@Cumpqua everyone gets their classes. No need to stress. Freshman level classes have so many spots. Your new student advisor will take care of everything. UCLA has been doing orientation for a long time they got it down. No need to worry about it pre orientation.

Does anyone know if UCLA allows a gap year, and if so with what office to we arrange? Thank you


A: Students may request to postpone their first term of enrollment to a later term if they have significant extenuating circumstances, such as being called to active military duty. If the request is not approved, they will be expected to start in the fall term that they were admitted for.

Registrar’s office at (310) 825-1091

General Admissions
(310) 825-3101

@Gumbymom thank you!

@@10s4life thank you ?

Does one have to have actually started attending UCLA in order to buy a computer from the UCLA Store and get the Educational pricing?

@ngopalan I don’t think so. We’ve been in the store many times and looked at the computers and there is only 1 price listed. There is nothing saying you have to be a student to purchase them. Seems the same as any other item in the store.

I found the answer to my question. For example, according to this example listing in the online store https://shop.uclastore.com/p-129990-new-15-inch-macbook-pro-with-touch-bar-23ghz-8-core-i9-512gb-silver.aspx

** Eligibility Restrictions apply to this item. You must be purchasing for your personal use, and you must meet one of the following criteria:

I am a current student, faculty, or staff member at UCLA
I am an admitted student to UCLA
I am the parent of a current or admitted student at UCLA
I am an alumnus of UCLA

Hi! I am currently committed to UCLA but am still waitlisted at another university I may attend if I get off the waitlist. I’m having an issue regarding housing at UCLA—I need to pay my initial housing fee by May 28th, but I may not hear back from the university I am waitlisted at until June 30th. If I pay the initial housing fee by May 28th and decide to withdraw from UCLA, can I receive a refund?

@mattthowell No refunds unfortunately

Is it common for UCLA students to go to/be invited to parties in the surrounding neighborhoods such as Brentwood, Bel Air, Beverly Hills or Holmby Hills?