UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

I applied for a new student orientation session in September. If I register for classes then, does that mean that I would have less of a chance of getting into the classes I want than someone who registers for classes in, for instance, July?

@mattthowell No they reserve the same amount of spots for each session. Enjoy orientation its a lot of fun. Donā€™t worry about classes it all gets taken care of for you.

Since I want to double major, could a mutual course that both majors require for credit be taken only once and count for both majors?

Also, if anyone has any info on club golf (competitiveness, time commitment, cost, etcā€¦) hmu cause Iā€™m interested in joining. Never played golf before fyi.

@letsgorams Yes you would only take the course once. To answer your second question club golf is competitive. Any club sport is considered ā€œJVā€ so they compete and travel against other schools. To make the team you prob should have prior experience. Club sports can be expensive. Rowing for ex is almost 2 grand a year. You can get more info at the giant activities fair during zero week

Can undergraduates take graduate classes for credit towards major? Like can I take a few classes in Anderson to get econ credit?

@letsgorams Most are restricted. Especially Anderson ones because they are cohort based. They would not count for credit

Iā€™m confused about making housing payments. I received previous information indicating that I need to make a payment on my daughterā€™s behalf on 7/1, but when I log into Bruin-Bill thereā€™s no balance shown and no ability to even make a payment. Are other people experiencing the same thing?

@JoelShoe If you have received an email to pay them itā€™s a glitch and you should call UCLA. If not then sit tight for another day or so and see if the balance reappears

I read information wrong and thought that the initial payment for orientation was due when signing up. Since my parents donā€™t have the money and I donā€™t have any, I saved up the money to pay for it since May. However, now it says that there are no more available sessions! I was wondering if there is any way I could get a session because I would rather not sign up for classes online.

@Okeke46 No one here can help. I would call UCLA directly.

so, I planned all my classes for fall 2019 in the class planner and when I just checked every single class and all of the alternates I chose say that they are closed and full. However, most of them are big intro courses that I think would have close to 300-400 people, but it says they are all capped around 180. Do they reserve some spots in every class for orientation, or do I need to find all new classes? ahh this is stressful.

@caligirl0826 Just wait til orientation. UCLA has it down pat for classes. Current students are registering. At orientation there are specific spots and only then will spots be unlocked. Right now you canā€™t view them

I have a question about transferring. When I checked the transfer admission guide, it said that I needed completion of certain course requirements by spring in order to transfer. When it says spring does it mean that I can take the classes during the spring semester or would I need it completed before spring semester even starts?

@MoonKnight: If you have specific questions regarding UCLA or any UC transfer, there are discussion threads posted in the UC Transfer Forum.


That said, it means that you need to complete all requirements the Spring Semester/Quarter prior to transfer in the Fall. You will list all courses in progress and planned on your UC application in the Fall prior to transfer. In January, you will update the TAU with Fall grades and courses.

@Gumbymom Thank you. Iā€™ll go ahead and ask questions in the UC Transfer Forum instead of asking here.

@MoonKnight Feel free to ask UCLA specific questions here. But transfer questions are best answered over at the UC transfer forums run by @Ohm888

Okay thanks @10s4life

What kind of and how much academic supplies should I bring for my first quarter (i.e. binders, notebooks, writing utensils, etcā€¦).

@letsgorams For me, I brought a 1-inch binder that could store all my papers. Most classes donā€™t really hand out lots of papers unless itā€™s an English class. I also got a 5 subject notebook. I thought it would only last for one semester but some classes arenā€™t as note-heavy as you think you are and I actually managed to use it for two semesters. As for writing utensils, I would have 3 highlighters of different colors and 3 pens with one being black, the other blue, and the last one red. I also had two pencils with one as a spare. Iā€™d also recommend an agenda to keep track of assignments if you donā€™t like using your laptop or phone as a reminder. A graphing calculator is also good especially if youā€™re taking a math class. A good laptop will also be handy. Will you be dorming because thereā€™s more stuff you need to bring if youā€™re dorming?