UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@MoonKnight I will be dorming but I have found dorm essentials lists online that are plenty helpful. I was in the dark about class supplies so your suggestion is very helpful. Thank you!

@letsgorams Your welcome. I donā€™t go to UCLA but Iā€™m pretty sure the basic class supplies are pretty much the same wherever your attending. Do you have a laptop you are bringing? Most schools have some form of a student portal where you go to register for classes and check grades and turn in assignments.

@MoonKnight Yes, I will be bringing a laptop.

So I am still thinking of majors to add on to my currently existing one and I am wondering if anyone could dm me with information about their perspective of the computer science & linguistics major (difficulty, curving, time commitment, good double major choice?). Thanks!

@letsgorams You cannot add a second major until you have finished declaring the first major. right now you are pre major which means that you are technically undeclared. The pre major only helps you choose classes to be on path to declare at orientation. You need certain grades in your pre major courses to end up declaring the major. Your new student adviser will cover this more at orientation which is a few weeks away for most sessions. Enjoy summer and donā€™t worry! you have 4 years to spend at ucla.

@10s4life I saw there is English compassion 3E (English compassion for engineers) are all engineers required to take this, or is it optional? Do engineering majors have the options for English compassion 3?

@10s4life For engineers, is Math 31A the only math course that you can get AP credit for (and in order to do so, would require a 5 on AP Calc BC)? Thanks!

@Cumpqua Thatā€™s just a special topics one. All you need is English Comp 3 normal. You can do the E but itā€™s up to you. I took the normal one and it was one of my favorite classes Iā€™ve taken at UCLA.

@StillLotsToLearn For Engineering only and changed from previous years:
3 on AB nothing
4 on AB nothing
5 on AB nothing
3 on BC nothing
4 on BC nothing
5 on BC May skip 31A, you would place into math 31b which is calculus 2.

All people wishing to enroll in math 31A or 31al must take the math placement exam. That is online and is not that difficult to get a score needed to enroll in math 31a.

Thank you! English is not my strongest subject. But iā€™m hoping Iā€™ll enjoy it like you did. Who was your professor?

Ouch to post #2069. Letters and Sciences at UCLA is much more lenient wrt Calc AP credits. This must have changed in the last year or two.

Berkeley Engineering is the opposite - a 4+ in BC gets you out of a whole year of Calc while in L&S you need a 5 in BC in order to get out of a whole year of Calc.

@ProfessorPlum168 Haha nice to see you venture back to these forums. Yeah it changed recently from when I was a freshman. L&S is more lenient. It was found most students did better beginning at 31a vs 31b or 32a. Better engineers have a very solid math foundation so their engineering classes arenā€™t hampered by the math.

I passes my AP statistics exam with a 4. Does th school of engineering recognize this exam? It says unassigned.

@Cumpqua The chart says unassigned which means yes it does not count. The chart isnā€™t trying to trick anyone. What it says is what it means

How many quarters of English are expected for an undergraduate student?

I guess I was hoping it would count towards something ?

@Cumpqua Engineers take 1. L&S takes 1. Some majors take more. Degree requirements can be found on the UCLA registrars website or website for the specific majors. Googling it works too

@StillLotsToLearn @10s4life
A correction to your Math AP chart:
AB (3) - nothing
AB (4) - nothing
AB (5) - student has the option to skip 31A
BC (3) - nothing
BC (4) - student has the option to skip 31A
BC (5) - student must skip 31A, has the option to skip 31B
31A credit is not explicitly given for a 5 on AB or 4 on BC so students still have the option to skip it if they want. If 31A credit is given (like it is for a 5 on BC), the student would not get credit for it if they took it and it would be coded on their record as a ā€œduplication of credit.ā€

@10s4life will NSA have or know the students AP scores during orientation/registration? How does that work?

@gzza73 Yes they do but just in case itā€™s not in the system yet when they do the printout, the packing checklist rec that students bring a transcript, AP exam scores, and normal testing scores.