UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@jrncyn Freshman year summer is your best shot. Very few engineers study abroad cause the classes need to be taken here.

@pickledginger Rec tennis is mostly classes. Non competitive club tennis is prob what you’re thinking of for Rec tennis.

@10s4life Thanks for letting me know. That’s pretty much what I figured since the curriculum is so rigorous and I want him to graduate on time :wink:

What I find interesting and quite upsetting is that UCLA requires students to complete a mandatory online instructional training on inclusion and diversity. The university wants everyone to feel equal. Well, then why do athletes and scholastic students get priority for everything? This goes against everything that was taught in those waste of time videos. Also, fraternity and sororities also go against the ucla mantra of inclusion.

The rush week is all about whether you fit in based ones looks. Does the group approved of your the way you dress, wear your hair, or your style. The university needs to reevaluate there mandatory videos and lessons bc they are being hypocritical. Let’s practice what is being preached

@Carmelita8 . . . I like the way you write, but I think you need to shift your focus and not to be concerned about what your classmates are getting and what you’re not.

You seemed to have a three-pronged criticism of athletes, honors students, and sororities, and in some ways I don’t think you’re way off base.

However, athletes have very tight schedules, and often they have to take their finals on the road. Additionally, they sacrifice much as far as majors because of their extensive training. UCLA has had a couple of volleyball players who graduated early at three years, with one grad-transferring to Santa Clara to get into their MBA program, and the other g-t’ing to Stanford – I think it was – to their grad-stats program.

AGSM, probably wouldn’t have considered the former, and the latter player – I believe – wanted to major in engineering, but for the training in which she had to partake that made E an impossibility at UCLA. There are very few STEM majors on the athlete rolls at the University, because it’d be too tough a combo to do training and science majors at the same time. So a lot of them major in social sciences, and those who want to be doctors and engineers go to grad school or some post-bac program, and there are a good number who do.

With respect to honors students, all I can say is do your best to try get onto that track if that’ll make you feel better – I don’t think they’re all granted this at entry to the University. All students at UCLA are top-tier and I agree that honors is not really necessary except for that one perq – I liked @bluebayou 's usage of the word – along with the collegium if that’s your thing, but I also think that UCLA’s class schedule is pretty accessible. (And be thankful that UCLA doesn’t have classes with one- to two-thousand students like some top-tier colleges do in high-demand classes.)

And lastly, don’t worry about sororities and what you think they desire in a member. UCLA’s greeks, as I’m sure @10s4life can attest as a frat dude, are pretty inclusive. The thing about them is that they have extra costs, dues, that tend to attract those on the higher end of the economic scale. They study really hard and they’re a necessary part of the University, because they do a lot of philanthropy. If you’re confident in yourself, go for it.

Otherwise, just put some blinders on and be concerned about yourself and your friends. And if you need some extra cash, UCLA pays its student workers exceptionally well even for the most seemingly menial tasks.

And may I edit add: all the best, you’re in what should be a really exciting time of your life.

@Carmelita8 I think it’s unfair to pin that on the groups you named. Athletes get schedule priority because they need classes that fit with practice schedules. They live a life totally different than normal students. Regents scholars are the top 2% of the student body. To attract those students ucla needs to offer perks such as priority scheduling and housing. And the Greek community isn’t for everyone but saying everyone there is superficial isn’t a very inclusive attitude isn’t it? There are chapters for everyone on fraternity and sorority row. No one wants to join a chapter where they won’t fit in with everyone else, that just wouldn’t be very fun. Not every house is a perfect fit for everyone which is why rush exits. Remember Greek students are bruins just like everyone else. No one is forced to be a part of it. Just my 2 cents

Hi all, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you’re all enjoying your Bruins during this short break : ) @10s4life it’s been a while since we bugged you but of course I"m back with a question: I’m wondering if you can tell us how the parking permit application process works as well as the cost. Thanks so much for any info you can share!

And thanks for all the info you previously shared. My D19 is really loving UCLA and being a Bruin :smiley:

@crknwk2000 Glad to hear she’s doing well! Parking permits can be applied for at this link: https://www.transportation.ucla.edu/
Typically they are sold out by now. They cost around $324 per quarter for res hall students. Typically hard to get unless there is a compelling reason to have the car there. Most students will uber since it’s unlikely to rack up $324 in uber fees plus parking costs outside of campus, gas, and insurance. She will also find herself the group driver amongst friends :slight_smile:

My suggestion is unless absolutely necessary skip the car until living off campus.

I was informed that there is a grace period for payment of Winter Quarter fees. Please confirm that as long as payment is received before Jan 7th (2020), there will be no late payment fee and registered Winter courses will not be dropped. Thank you so much!

@D4Mom I actually don’t know the answer to that question. My parents always paid the fees by the original deadlines. I remember hearing something about a grace period but not 100% sure. If you can it’s def good to pay by the states deadline. If that’s an issue call the Financial Aid Office to let them know. They’re pretty flexible on payment plans.

@10s4life Am I being realistic to think I can take 21 units winter quarter and be successful?
These are the classes
Physics 1A
Chem 20L
Chem 20B
Math 32B

( I’m hoping to apply to med school if at all possible that’s why I added LS.)

@Cyla What major are you? If you’re applying to med school the Chem 14 series and Physics 5 series and math ls30 series are all a lot easier. Med schools just care you did the classes with a good gpa and don’t distinguish between the “type”. Otherwise I think that load is too much. Either drop Ls or the chem lab. 32b is arguably the toughest lower div math class. And physics 1a can be really hard especially if you have Corbin.

@10s4life currently I am mechanical engineering but thinking about changing to bioengineering. I have already started the chem 20 series last quarter. Thankfully I don’t have Corbin. I think I’ll drop LS this quarter. But can I do the LS 30 series instead of the LS 7A series perhaps spring quarter ?

@Cyla If you’re engineering you need to do the chem 20 series and physics 1 series. Also ls30 is a math series. I was thinking you were a non engineering major so they Rec you do ls30 for math instead of math 31a etc. ls7 is actual bio stuff. Ls30 is not. Just declare premed as your tech breadth so you don’t take too many extra classes. Engineering in general is a terrible pre med major because of low gpa averages. Average engineering gpas for the school hover between 2.7-3.0. Med school needs 3.8+ in most cases.

@10s4life great info. Where did you get the gpa stats? I’m trying to see how other majors are compared to engineering. Thanks!

@gzza73 From OASA. I bet L&S majors all are at least low 3s at a min. Could be mid 3s for a bunch. Engineering hiring for internships and full time jobs are a lot less gpa focused than finance or other fields. If you have a 3.0+ you’re fine for even blue chip companies in engineering

I’m currently on the waitlist for math32B. Is it going to be possible to enroll in the class? Im feeling nervous about it. I read students need A permission to enroll (PTE) number by Jan 17th.

Thanks so much for all your input

@Cyla If you haven’t been enrolled yet fill out an ECR through OASA

I’m not sure if anyone can help me
 I just want to know my chances of have peace of mind.

I applied as a transfer English major. My GPA is 3.79
 I think. Or 3.82. either way, whatever.
I have a bunch of Ws. 8. I switched majors and got sick before I knew what the issue was. I dropped classes because I was in pain, I just thought it was me, but I had a huge gallstone the size of a golf ball in there. Haven’t really dropped anything since.
I didn’t do any extracurricular activities. I work to pay for school. I take care of my 8 member household, and I essentially have gaurdianship of a 7-year-old because her mom made ■■■■ choices.

In my essays I wrote about how writing horror stories expressed my creativity, how English was my major and the prep I did, the gallstone, and my aunt’s incarceration that essentially made me a parent overnight.

I’m not sure if the essays are enough. Though they are perfect, I don’t think they are enough. I think I’m screwed. But I’d love to hear otherwise.

Anyone have a clue?

@SunnySummer77: you should post in the UCLA transfer thread. This thread is for last years applicants.
