UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@jadonrs: HS course rigor is very important but doubling up on science courses in itself is not going to make you stand out.

When decisions come out please post all decisions in this thread following the given format:

This thread will be used for all discussion please do not comment in the decision thread. You may tag users using the “@“ sign here if you would like to talk with them.

@Gumbymom Would they look down on the fact that I have a lot of art related ECs but chose my major as undeclared?

@peachgirl: Why would they? Admissions doesn’t expect you to be one dimensional. Diverse interests makes an applicant unique.

I am really worried because I have been trying hard in school but my second semester grades are going down. I have 2Cs and some Bs (5 AP classes) but they are hard to get up because the material is really hard.
Will ucla (if i get in hopefully) rescind my admission because of the grade drop?

@musiciangoaler I’d try your best in the classes and don’t worry until you get the decision. But if you get in you need a 3.0 UW senior year. And no more than a certain amount of C’s. I forgot exactly the number. Also UCLA has a clause where if your senior year grades are lower than what you had freshman-senior year and it’s noticeable then UCLA reserves the right to rescind the admission. Please don’t worry until decisions come out and you get your final grades. In the end you won’t know or be able to predict if UCLA may rescind as it’s up to the AO and it’s a case by case basis.

@peachgirI It’s important to note that major choice is not a consideration of admission in L&S. Everyone is undeclared. The AO won’t look at ecs in terms of your major. They look at ECs in terms of what you like. Major choice is only there to help guide your course selection at orientation and for the registrar to plan class sizes and scheduling. You must apply into L&S majors once you complete pre reqs.

@10s4life any chance decisions are coming out this week? doubt it, but worth asking

@taloolab i think next friday

@taloolab Mid to late March is the official timeline.

My friend’s mom is a reader for ucla and she said either the 15th or 22nd. She can’t say the specific date but fingers crossed for the 15th.

What happens to a regents scholarship offer declined by a student, does a UC school offer it to the next student? If yes, would that be happening beyond the acceptance deadline assuming some of those students making final decisions at the very deadline May 1st.

Hello! Is there a stats thread for 2022? thanks

@Caliparent23 It goes no where. Enough regents scholars will accept as the school is pretty good at predicting yields. More offers are made than they expect to enroll since not everyone will accept.

@eggstremelyeggy There’s the 2023 stats thread already made here with a sample of how it should look: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/2129460-ucla-class-of-2023-decision-thread-stats-only.html#latest

As for 2022 and below, you can click search on CC and try and find it. I don’t remember if 2022 had a stats thread as it might have gotten mixed in.

Hi, we live in NorCal, and son and I are planning spring break socal tour of UC campuses. We have tours reserved at all except UCLA. Assuming son is accepted here, will tours open up after rejection letters are sent? Can we show up on day we are there and hope for openings? Or just resign ourselves to self-tour? I check portal, and openings come and go, quickly, but haven’t seen any for Tuesday of spring break yet. Son very undecided so far, accepted to UCSB and UCI already, hoping for Stanford.

@Hawkeyealum Tours will Open up! Once decisions come out UCLA has a set of tours specifically designed for admitted students! If you come before decisions are made you can always “hop” on a tour when they line up outside after he admission presentation. You’d only be missing that. Outside Bruin Plaza by ackerman and the Bruin Bear statue is where the tour will begin. If your son is an engineer there are also engineering specific tours that cover most of the campus tour and the engineering school as well. Otherwise you can always walk around campus yourself, as it’s really easy to find your way around it and make sure to visit the UCLA athletics hall of fame on campus where you can see all 116 NCAA national championship trophies.

@10s4life Completely unrelated to admissions. But I saw posts on USC students spraypaitning on the Bruin bear statue. Did they get a new statue or re paint it? Just out of curiosity.

@musiciangoaler It was fixed over the few days after it happened at the cost of $20,000. UCLA also used it as an opportunity to raise money for charity.

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Thanks for the info! We were hoping we could tag along on a tour. Trying to see four campuses in five days!