UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion


@10s4life If I get into UCLA (I have a gut feeling that I might but no expectations), I really want to join the student ambassadors program. What is the application and selection process like? Is it harder for lower classmen than for upperclassmen?

@letsgorams There are three main programs run by UCLA. Campus tours, Bruin Ambassadors, and Engineering Ambassadors basadors. Of the three only Campus Tours and Engineering Ambassadors give tours. Campus tours is your typical tour guide program. They lead campus tours to prospective students. Engineering Ambassadors also gives campus tours but it showcases more of the engineering buildings than the normal campus tour. All engineering ambassadors are also engineering majors themselves. Bruin ambassadors primarily go to high schools and college fairs and pitch UCLA in those types of settings. All are a lot of fun. Selection is very competitive for all 3 with campus tours and engineering ambassadors being tougher than Bruin ambassadors to get in purely because they give tours too. The main selection criteria is how good you are at public speaking and if you’re engaging since this is the primary way UCLA will recruit and interact with potential applicants and students. So basically social skills. You can apply for campus tours as a second year since they recruit in the fall and start training right away. Engineering ambassadors recruits in the spring so you can apply first year since you won’t start work til fall. Bruin ambassadors recruits in the winter and you can be a first year for that. Giving campus tours is one of my favorite parts of being at UCLA as it’s a lot of fun. I’ve also had students on my tours eventually get into UCLA and I’ll see them around campus which is pretty cool. Hope this helps!

Anyone applying to Desma??

@10s4life Thank you so much. I am already involved in debate and leadership at my school so I hope that gives me an edge. The bruin ambassador seems like a good fit for me.

Do a lot of people get off wait list? Is it random or is the list ordered?

@musiciangoaler For L&S some but not a lot. For engineering none. It’s ordered.

@10s4life also if i did 4-5 ap exams and ended up doing really badly on them, would ucla rescind?

@ohnocollege123 AP exams are not used for admission. Get 1s, don’t take them it’s all the same.

@10s4life okay thanks!

What exactly is the order based on?

Are you able to access the portal now? Mine says the site is temporarily unavailable. Hope this means that decision is coming out soon!

My portal is temporarily unavailable as well. I’m hoping it means a decision soon too!

Mine is down too.

Here too. Maybe the admissions status is down for maintenance?

Why would the portal being down have anything to do with admissions status?

@letsgorams I’m pretty sure it is just based on how much they want you in compared to others. Like they rank you in order.

same portal down

Is the fact that the portal is down good because they are putting in decisions into the system?

Naw they prolly just messing with us