UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

just was deferred from UPenn. Hoping to get in to UCLA!

I took the SAT twice, first with essay and second without. I sent both scores regardless because my SAT w/o essay is significantly better and more competitive. Would UCLA still consider my second score in addition to the first even though it doesnā€™t have an essay?

@anxiety247 All UCs will not consider any SAT or ACT without the essay. They are very specific on this. Your non essay score wonā€™t even be looked at.

@10s4life based on stats, typically out of state students who are admitted have higher SAT/GPAā€™s. Is that always expected/ what do you expect to see from an out of state resident to admit them

@lynnesabine OOS students are held to a higher threshold. The difference between iOS and in state stats is pretty negligible at this point. Usually anything at the 75th or higher percentile is a pretty good place to be regardless of residence. Otherwise there isnā€™t really a good rule of thumb. Keep in mind non residents are expected to pay a total COA of around $60k with no financial aid offered.

Does anyone know how many freshman students apply at UCLA for fall 2019 admission?

around 100,000

@Manado @StacysMom24 Just about 114,000 applied for Fall 18. That is above the 102,000 from Fall 17. Fall 19 is projected to meet or exceeed 120,000 freshman applicants.

Fall 19 you mean. When will those numbers be released?

@KTJordan78 Yeah my bad. I corrected the typo. Usually early-mid January. Youā€™ll see a press release from the UC system and each campus talking about how ____ saw a dramatic increase etc. nice choice in profile pic btw.

I have a low GPA for Computer Science (4.23 UCW, 3.68 UW, 3.95 capped) but competitive test scores (1500 SAT, 800 Math 2 and 750 Physics), essays, extracurriculars, volunteering (1000+ hours), work experience (opened my own only company), decently hard senior rigor (4 APs; Calc BC, Stats, Econ, Gov).

I had a circumstance during my sophomore year which I explained in the additional comments section. My GPA has been in an upward trend since.

I saw the average capped GPA was a 4.23 while mine is a 3.95. Do I even have a chance at CS at UCLA or should I just kiss my application goodbye?

@2km2km Happy new year! Only the admissions committee has the answer because they will look at the entire app. However, yes you are right the GPA is very low. Especially the unweighted. Gpa is the single most important criteria. Itā€™s considered a reach school for you despite the 1500 SAT which you should be very proud of. CS is just that competitive. Best of luck.

@2km2km I think you have a good chance at it. I mean, I am IMPRESSED that you opened your own company. You have a good test score and extracurriculars, and GPA is not the only thing UCLA looks at. But then again, CS is a competitive major, so donā€™t 100% count my words.

Hello! I am currently a transfer student at a California community college. I am in my 2nd semester. So far, I have been doing great academically. I got all As my first semester with a 5 course load. I was also in a couple clubs and honors society. I am a Communications major and Iā€™ve been trying my hardest to be able to transfer to the UCLA class of 2022.
The only issue with my situation is that before my 1st official semester at college, I took some dual enrollment courses while I was a junior/senior in high school. I got one C and a couple Bs. Would UCLA consider those grades while reviewing my application as a transfer student? Because technically the courses I took could count towards general ed./IGETC credit.
Additionally I got a couple Bs/Cs in some of the AP courses I took in high school but I got scores of 3s or above on the AP exam. UCLA has the right to give me credits because I passed those AP exams, and they do not consider the grade I ended up while I took the course for my transfer app.
If they donā€™t consider my AP course grades from high school, and with that same logic applied, would UCLA consider my dual enrollment grades? I just got low grades, and am worried they will affect my chances of getting in because the GPA for my major is very competitive.

I hope someone could help me out here, I would really appreciate it. I couldnā€™t find a thread for generic transfer students or for students transferring into a certain class. Thanks for reading!

@vyominee: If the DE courses are UC transferable, then the grades will be considered but more emphasis will be placed on your more recent grades than the DE courses. Unfortunately one of the pitfalls not often discussed with DE courses is that the grades will follow you. I suggest you post in the UC transfer forum for more information and specific answers. If you passed the HS AP exams, the grades are not considered in the transfer application review. The AP exams scores will only be considered to check if they are eligible to be used as AP credit toward IGETC or major courses.


Happy New Year to you as well! I was hoping that my poor GPA could be looked past due to my circumstance (2 deaths in the family within a monthā€“caused a 3.5 UW both semesters of sophomore year). Maybe I should have applied to a different engineering majorā€¦oh well

When do people start receiving supplemental questionnaires? Just curious coz I mentioned a hardship in my essay as well as in the additional section

Hey there, I chose to major in astrophysics at the college of L&S. I have a few questions that branch out from this.

  1. I understand that applying for astrophysics means that UCLA will not consider this in their application process, but how will this place me next to others whose chosen major will be a factor in their application?
  2. Will they not see that I focused more on mathematics/science in my school schedule to put me on a path towards astrophysics, or will they already have an idea from my schedule that I'd like to go into STEM even without viewing my major?
  3. How much attention do they put into your school schedule in the first place? know they take GPA from 10-11, but do they look at your 9-12 schedule and will that be considered a factor in admission and, if so, how much of a factor?
  4. Does UC look at multiple forms of GPA (ex. W/UW and weighted and capped) or only the weighted and capped version?

Good luck to everyone else, this is a stressful time and Iā€™m sure weā€™d all just want to know now to get it over with.

does anyone know when decisions come out? mid march?

My understanding is that last year all decisions became available at myApplication Status on March 16, 2018. Iā€™m hoping for something similar in 2019.