UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

I think its the 15th based on the last two years and the fact that it always comes out a week after uc davis.

UCLA and UCSD came out on Fri 3/16 last year

Is a UC gpa of 4.29 weighted good?? I made B’s in my high school career, but all of them were in freshman year, making my gpa seemingly perfect? Like can you get above that for weighted? I was also going to ask if being an OOS student from Texas gives me a disadvantage. Do they only pull a certain amount of people from certain areas? I apologize if any of this has already been answered!

Hi @Wintdurr ! To answer your question, there is no way to determine whether a certain GPA will be enough to gain admission to UCLA. A 4.29 weighted GPA does meet UCLA’s general requirements and is great; however, there are many other factors that go into reading an application, including extracurricular activities and course rigor. Regarding your question about being an OOS student, UCLA does not have a quota for any school, meaning that if your readers like your application, you will get in regardless of how many others from your area got in. Hopefully this answers all your questions and feel free to ask if any new inquiries arise. Good luck!

@SoCalPops “Up to 100” Regents scholarships are awarded each year (https://prospective-ugstudents-ucla.academicworks.com/opportunities/17) though a few more may be offered since some recipients will choose not to attend. A reasonable benchmark would be 1%-1.5% of admitted students and roughly 1 in 500-800 applicants.

Alumni scholarships are offered to a few more (there are 150 recipients per year) and from what I can tell there’s little or no overlap between those groups (it is possible the ASC doesn’t consider those applicants who’ve already received a Regents scholarship since there are separate Regents and Alumni scholars clubs). So in combination they are about 4% of the ~6000 freshmen.

@SimplyGreat Yes, it did!! Thank you very much :slight_smile:

@taloolab decisions are mid-march according to this:http://www.admission.ucla.edu/applicant/notify.htm

@taloolab Decisions will likely be on the 22nd, unfortunately. The updated UCLA portal says, “We plan to release admission decisions in late March.” If it were March 15, the portal would have said mid-March. Also, alumni readers begin their process on the 22nd, as soon as decisions are released. Sadly, all signs point to the 22nd being the decision release date.

do you know the acceptance rate for students who get the supplemental questionnaire? @10s4life

@SimplyGreat Hmmm
I wonder why a presenter at a UCLA event yesterday said decisions were coming out this week
also didn’t UC Davis’ portal say “mid-March” when in fact the decisions came out on March 8
not ALL signs point to 22

@LincolnsGF UCLA presenters are typically never a part of the admissions committee, and always go by what the website/portal says. It very well may be this Friday; I am just saying that it is unlikely due to the circumstances. One of the biggest clues is that alumni readers begin weeding out applications on the 22nd, when they typically begin their reading as soon as decisions are released. I am just stating what I think and what occurred when I went through this process a couple years ago.

@SimplyGreat but this, which is a link directly from the portal, says mid-march. http://www.admission.ucla.edu/applicant/notify.htm

@SimplyGreat Hey, idk if you go to UCLA, but if you do, can I PM you?

@taloolab @LincolnsGF @01pabs Since UCLA has not released a decision date, its better to hold off and wait for their announcement rather than speculating and creating tension within this forum. No matter what, we will all have decisions by the end of this month.

i think its march 15

@letsgorams Yes, I am currently a sophomore majoring in Biology. You could definitely PM me.

@kerlykerls @01pabs You guys could be right and it could be March 15. Just giving my 2 cents. Good luck!

@10s4life @Gumbymom We’ve heard rumors in the past, that the UCs communicate with one another and therefore our applicants should be careful if applying to, for example, both UCLA and UCB, because an applicant is most likely to only get into one. From my research, this rumor does NOT seem true, but I am curious about your take on it. I sincerely hope it’s not true, because my D applied to 6 UCs and hopes to have unbiased chance at all. Any advice? Thanks.

We’re betting on this Friday for UCLA (and UCSD). Good luck everyone!

@collegemom111111 No that’s not true. They don’t communicate. It’s just the odds of getting into both is very low. If the chance of getting into LA is .5 and the chance of getting into cal is .5 and they’re independent (which they are) then the odds of both is .25. So both is a lot less than getting into one or the other.

Does anyone know when the ‘Discover Engineering’ invites are sent out?
Are they also sent to Internationals?

what are ‘Discover Engineering’ invites?? are they similar to likely letters?