UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@skcyking72 the day has been confirmed by @10s4life to be 3/22

I am even more convinced that San Diego and Irvine will come out on the same day as UCLA. Friday, March 29 is Cesar Chavez day, and students are given the day off school, and most administrative offices on campus are closed. We were originally promised decisions for San Diego and UCLA yesterday, but that changed at the last minute. UCLA, San Diego, and Irvine historically release on a Friday, and the 22nd and 29th are the only two Friday’s left. There are exceptions, but typically the only offices that are open at schools on Cesar Chavez day are facilities and transportation, as they must remain open in the event of an emergency. If they don’t release this Friday, it will be a big upset because they will either be forced to work on this holiday to get decisions out or it will spill over into April and anger a lot of people because they were promised decisions on the 15th and denied a decision at the last minute, and forced to wait for three more weeks to finally hear.

@skcyking72 I don’t understand what you’re saying? UCLA never promised to come out last Friday and the dates didn’t change last minute at least not for UCLA. You can see when post 294 was made. It was in February. Mid-Late March can be thought of as the weeks of the 15th and the 22nd. I think the vast majority of applicants won’t even know when decisions come out until they get the email with the update. No one is entitled to anything

I find it funny that people think UCLA was delayed because of the college admissions scandal (common belief of the people around me)
 after all, it being delayed is also a rumor. We never knew when it would come out, 3/15 was pure speculation. So I don’t think we should be mad at the AO because of this. I can understand the frustration, but really we weren’t promised anything. Heck, it was very likely planned to be the 22nd this whole time (I can feel that 10s4life is tired of saying this repeatedly).

The vast majority I think also applied to UCB so any decision on choice of college would have to be after UCB comes out(28th?). I know many are just ready to get it done and over with so they can make plans.

@10s4life based on your experience, the fact that a student gets into all Tier 2 UCs (UCSB,UCI, UCD etc) with regent or honor, historically it is likely that he/she will get into at least one of the Tier 1 (UCB/ULCA/UCSD), or two of these three? Or there is not a strong correlation?

@MyGreatKids Too hard to tell as every example of someone getting in will have another of someone getting denied with the same circumstances. Getting into all the lower ones is a good sign vs getting denied but there isn’t a pattern.

@10s4life Thanks!

This is incorrect. My D who is currently a first year at UCLA received both the Regents Scholarship and the Alumni Scholarship. She knows many other people who received both as well. Although they are selected differently, getting Regents doesn’t mean you can’t also get the Alumni Scholarship. It is actually quite common for kids to get both.

The students are off of school anyway because that week is Spring Break.

Does anyone know what is the time coming out at 3/22? Is it at 3 PM like davis?

@Bear23 No one is sure about the time, but in the past several years it has been at 5:00 PM PST. I assume it will be the same this year.

Does anyone know what time during the day will UCLA release decisions? Any idea what time was it in past years?

Oh sorry didn’t realize that was already answered

If you log into the portal, it says they were planning to release decisions late march, so i dont think anyone should be mad about it not coming out on Friday

I already received my acceptance by email from UC Davis on March 8 I guess it’s on a case by case basis.

there’s been a lot of speculation about UCLA releasing on friday, do you guys think that we can assume this is true?

@MyGreatKids Our kid had exactly the results you described and got into UCLA, so hopefully it is the same in your case. On the flip side, we have also seen getting a Regents at one of the middle tier UCs and not getting into UCLA. But 3 is a much stronger indicator I would think.

Don’t always trust new members. Our resident UCLA forum champion has already confirmed with admissions that it would be this Friday.

@10s4life I submitted my general application and regents application back on March 2 and saw confirmation on the scholarship portal + email. Today, I logged back into the scholarship portal and saw that the option changed from “update” to “finish and submit” under general application, when I had already clicked the “finish and submit” button on March 2. Is this issue known/something I should be concerned about?