UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Do you guys know anyone who got the postcard and was rejected or waitlisted?

Is the postcard of scholarship invites the likely?

Discover UCLA Engineering postcard arrived today with - not my son’s name. What if the name is correct but the address is wrong?

** Moderators Note **
Post edited to remove applicants full name for privacy reasons.

@EPSurfer that happened to a lot of people who got the postcard. Does anyone know why this is happening to everyone??

Is the name the same in all the postcards?
Btw, my son applied to UCLA Aero Space engineering. He has been accepted with Regents scholarships to UCSB (ME) and Davis (General Engineering).

Well time to go back to freaking out again. Never got the postcard.

Since not everyone here is applying to engineering would it make sense to start a separate engineering thread?

@WilliamCollege Look man, freaking out and worrying won’t change a thing. Take a deep breath and relax. You’ll be fine. No matter what happens on Friday you’ll end up going to a school and once you’re there you’ll forget all about acceptances and rejections. You’ll end up meeting life long friends and have such a great time wherever you end up. In the meantime hit the gym or go for a run. Stressing will do you no good. Best of luck.

@collegemom111111 This is all for general applicants and starting a new thread now doesn’t seem necessary since Friday is pretty much around the corner. Someone is welcome to start a thread about it but I don’t see the point of stressing about them since actual decisions are really the only thing that matters. Not guessing and interpreting every move the school makes.

For those of you who are worried please see post 1135 on the previous page

I am just freaking out because I think i saw something in this thread that the postcard is sent to all admits this year which will mean bad news for me @10s4life

@WilliamCollege I don’t think I saw that posted in the thread anywhere. I think it’s premature to freak out. I never got early indication I’d be accepted when I was an applicant. If you are rejected, yes it may suck, but life goes on and when you start freshman year you won’t even care you got rejected from X school.

anyone on the East coast get the post card???

This is exactly why I had posted I wished UCLA would not send out discover engineering invites so close to decision date. A tough process made unnecessarily tougher

Can someone fill me in on what the postcard exactly is and what it means? I applied to the College of Letters & Arts for Economics, and from the East Coast and haven’t received one. Is it for certain admitted applicants at a certain major or do they send it to all admitted ones?

My D received the postcard but it had the wrong name - obviously the same as many others and obviously some kind of computer error. I would not worry about not getting the postcard. She has not received anything else regarding Discover Engineering and she has not received an admission decision.

@Burrowsc It seems like the postcards are for engineering applicants only and engineering applicants on the East Coast haven’t received theirs yet.

Either way, as a non engineering student (like me) I am fairly certain this is irrelevant to you (and me!).

@MrRobot2018 Yeah that’s kind of what I figured. Thanks!

@EPSurfer According to the Informed Delivery, my son is going to receive the postcard today, but not his name on the postcard, with our address though. Similar to what your son received, this is odd.

anyone else’s portal down?