UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

A Posrcard is on its way in NorCal. As with everyone else, it has my address but some other person’s name. I hope that it is meant for me as UCLA is my top choice.

@gatorsoccer19 -Portal is down for everyone.

Yes. It says the portal will be back up Friday evening!

I don’t see anything in my Informed Delivery (NorCal). I really hope this doesn’t mean that I’m rejected.

Oh my gosh you guys. Never in the history of UCLA has a stupid little postcard held the fate of your college acceptance. Stop already. Tomorrow you will know!

I wasn’t sent a postcard either, but was still accepted for Mech E

On this thread - it’s the darn post card (or engineer email). UCSD - it’s the phone call. UCB - it’s the 4 addresses vs. 2. University of Michigan - it’s the appearance/ disappearance of a mysterious tab. People always find something to freak out about.

I hope people who received the early call, email,… did not receive the pranks played by the UC admission offices. They did that in 2009. It’s a 10 year cycle, so it may happen again.



@Nhatrang I know about the phone call and postcard, but what’s the 4 addresses for Berkeley? I looked, but I couldn’t find anything about it on the Berkeley board. P.S. Don’t worry, I’m not freaking about phone calls or postcards, so I promise not to freak about this.

@Nhatrang don’t forget about the Stanford test date change

don’t forget the Georgetown green box

@MadiJade I am pretty sure I saw the 4 vs. 2 addresses coming up quite a few times. People would say oh i only have 2 addresses does it mean i will get rejected? Unless I had the wrong thread. I’ll find it :slight_smile:

@nhatrang yeah thats what people were saying last year, but then people with 2 and 4 addresses were accepted/rejected. also berkeley tweeted last year that its just a portal glitch that means nothing

What is it about Stanford and Georgetown

@taloolab Exactly my point people freaked out for no reason…

@MadiJade - for your viewing pleasure (only one page here but i saw it came up before too)


Ahhh thank you @Nhatrang My portal does not appear to be any different, so I guess I’ll just have to wait until next week. That’s pretty funny. This process is so stressful that we will grip on to anything for some type of hint as to the outcome.

@Nhatrang OMG, you are hilarious! My daughter applied to most of those schools so I know exactly what you are talking about and you are so right!!

I’m still waiting for the year we won’t have people freaking out on the UCLA thread ?

Is there a correlation between receiving a Cal Grant for a specific school and admission? I was tentatively awarded the maximum amount for UCLA, but received nothing for other schools I applied to.

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is anyone else’s application portal not working? Mine says that it will be up friday EVENING. I thought they were supposed to come out tomorrow at 3:00?