UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@thehundreds554 I haven’t received mine yet, either. Anyone have any insights into this or in the same boat?

@thehundreds554 Actually, the link is there, but I’m not seeing the letter itself. Same for you?

@infotime I’ll assume your kid applied for CS? Both UCLA and UCB have been known to reject kids with perfect test scores in CS/EECS. Usually though one of the two will admit, so I’ll bet your kid will be accepted for Berkeley (assuming he or she applied there).

sorry I didn’t state that, yah, went for CS major…and yes he applied at cal as well. Thx for insight.

@StudentofLife7 does your son have an idea where he will go?

I don’t believe we can link to Facebook. Log onto your FB account and search for “UCLA Class of 2023”

@infotime Do you mind to share your son’s stats of AP tests (which AP subjects) ? Thank you!

@infotime I feel for you. Either the “holistic” selection process is too extreme or the yield protection is kicked in. Regardless, I think the elite college admission process needs some change to reward the extremely hard working students like yours. People need to acknowledge that it takes a lot of effort to achieve greatness in multiple areas, and it does not happen by accident.

@infotime I completely understand!

@infotime wow your stats look a lot similar to my friend’s who got waitlisted too. He also applied for CS. (Also I thought major is not considered? I heard someone say here that if someone applies to engineering school, it is evaluated the same for all engineering majors?)

@infotime My D19 has similar stats along with what I believe are very good ECs and essays, and she did not even apply for CS. We are OOS and too far to make a visit though. Just like your son, my daughter took it better than us, and we are proud. I am sure your son has good options as my daughter has. Just think of it as their loss and move on. Best of luck.

@10s4life Do you know (or anyone) if Neuroscience at UCLA is good? I am also thinking of transferring majors (to Biology). Is it hard to transfer majors within Letters of Art and Sciences?

Does anyone know how much pull the music department has in admissions (as in if you audition and they want you)?

when will ucla mail out admission packages?

Anyone know where to find UCLA 2023 group chats?

@infotime we are in the same boat, S is waitlist by CS. He has perfect score on SAT, 3 800 on SATII, one A- from a very competitive public high school, a lot EC and leadership. We are on east coast, his school normally has low yield rate to any CA schools (except Stanford), not sure if this is the reason.

@ilikewiki @infotime: UCLA CS ADMIT RATE 2018: The admit rate for CS for the fall of 2018 is 8.2%. The average CS act score is a 35 and the SAT is a 1550 average. Just so many extremely talented and competitive applicants via for a few spots.

Ucla does not practice yield protection. It doesn’t need to. The app pool especially for engineering is Ivy League quality in terms of stats.

@10s4life so in the recent past, none( or a ver few) of the engineering waitlisted students have been accepted. Is that a correct statement?

CC, what are your thoughts? Son accepted to UCLA Civil Eng, UCSB Mech Eng. and Cal Poly SLO Civil Eng.
From what we hear, it’s really not possible to change major at Cal Poly (that might be one drawback). He loves it now, but is 18! Also at which campus is it easiest to get classes, dorms, small courses with actual professors, etc…? He has some ADHD stuff, so getting distracted might also be in the mix. I guess UCSB might be the happy medium, because it’s a UNI, but no big football/sports events…no huge city, but not too small like SLO.

THoughts CC?
One last thing, he got into SCU, but I don’t think ENg. compares there, does it?