UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@10s4life Yes, Royce was amazing! As you can see, my comment about sororities was taken down for use of a term which should be, by all rationality, in-offensive. Thought police…but the gist was that, @crknwk2000, from all of my many years in higher ed, I cannot understand why these groups are allowed to use a “selection” process which remains secretive, and arbitrary, and based on judgements which we as a society are against…looks/class/race/socio-economic status, etc…when for the most part unis and colleges have tried to rise above those stereotypes and be as inclusive as possible. I just don’t understand the perpetuation of this kind of system within a system on campus. It has always proven to be somewhat divisive in my LONG experience. And, a leftover bastion of when many females were sent to college to get an MRS. and be paraded around at parties. I am all for clubs, teams, but not with strict pledging exclusivity.

To the future bruins. I notice that some people only join the group and that’s about it… If you guys have never use facebook before, I would encourage to start get a facebook to join the group, pages, and connecting with friends. I would also use it to look up for college resources like housing groups, buying textbooks, college facebook pages, and facebook events. I found the facebook to be useful.

We are a Bruin family now. My D picked UCLA out of her top 4 choices of UCB, UCLA, USC and Harvey Mudd.

Our experience on Bruin Day was great. Vibe was good, presentations were to the point, housing tour was well organized and food at Bplate was amazing. Campus looks amazing with spring colors all around.

I think she is going to have fun and learn at the same time.

I would like to ask if incoming students are required to dorm in their freshmen year?

@BeCheap4me2 Yes I did see it was flagged by one of the moderators. If you’d like to discuss over a PM feel free to shoot me one. It is against TOS to discuss moderation decisions on the forum. Regardless every organization has its pros and cons.

@idontkno Congrats to your daughter! She will have an amazing four years. And calling it Bplate? you’re a true Bruin already for that one lol

@Ashley2019 No, but 98% of freshman live on campus their first year.

@10s4life Thanks. I will PM you if I can figure that out. You have been so helpful for so long with this process!
@idontkno what major is your D? Sounds like engineering. We are making a similar choice this week; ucla/ucsb/cal poly/usc(TTP)…so far ucla is winning. H. Mudd was a reject for my S. His major is Civil Eng. (waitlist at Caltech. could change things) but he has to decide this week, right!?

@10s4life - Bruin Day was a great event! Thanks for all the hard work of students and staff. We do wish something can be done about the pre-med advising. Thanks for all your guidance!

@10s4life - About Honors program, ( correct me if I am wrong) I remember reading your comment about the cons of applying to Honors and it is not a good idea to do so. Any pros in applying to Honors?

@10s4life Bruin day was fabulous. Discover Engineering was even better. I really liked the fact that they try to create small communities within a big campus. Choice is very clear after last weekend. Thanks for all your efforts and guidance.

@D4Mom remembering that 10s4Life said that the Honors Program was not really worth it, we did ask someone at the Academic Advising Booth about this and they did concur with this and said it’t generally more helpful to get an Honors distinction from your specific major department.

@crknwk2000 - thank you! To date, UCLA is our #1 choice.

@10s4life I read that here on CC on one of the posts about what to do on Bruin Day. I like that name Bplate.

@BeCheap4me2 She will be in L&S, Major is MIMG (Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Genetics). At HMC she got into Mathematical and Computational Bio.

@10s4life Bruin Day and Discover Engineering were more than what we expected! The campus was so welcoming on both days and we couldn’t be more proud for our son to call UCLA home this fall! He knows the transition will be overwhelming at first, but he is excited about all of the cool clubs he talked to during DE Day. We were also blown away by the Makerspace! What an awesome resource to have and to learn from.

Next up will be applying for housing. He has a friend that will also be attending UCLA, so they will request each other as roommates. As far as their 3rd roommate, do you recommend finding one through the FB page? I read other posts that recommend participating in lots of FB pages. What are your thoughts on this? My son has FB, but is not very active using it. Thanks again for all your help through this process!

@idontkno congrats! sounds like a smart, driven, kid!

It’s official, we’ve got a Bruin!

cannot believe there were so much problem with the scholarship application.

Congrats @crknwk2000

@D4Mom Yes premed advising can be beefed up. There is always room for improvement. One thing to note is applying to medical school is relatively straightforward. Maximize GPA and MCAT, apply for relevant medical volunteer/research positions. But it is mostly GPA/MCAT to get in the door and the interview that gets you a spot. UCLA does have a 70%ish acceptance rate into medical schools if i remember correctly. Yes honors is not worth it unless you want more work for no real reward. Focus on getting great grades in “normal” classes and get latin honors.

@chucko I agree, Discover Engineering is more in depth and personable. I hope you enjoyed the engineering tour if you took that. Welcome to the Bruin Family.

@jrncyn Glad you liked that and the maker space! I hope the tour was great as well. The transition is pretty easy and he will have a blast. I recommend finding one on FB. The largest group is probably the most active one to join. A simple bio and some pictures is all thats needed.

@crknwk2000 Congrats! Thats an awesome choice. No bias there lol.

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback especially about Discover Engineering. We are always trying to make this event the best experience possible so new admits can see why UCLA is the best place to spend the best 4 years of your life.

Bruin Day & Discover Engineering were great. My S accepted before going but it was still nice to get his perspective of campus/students. Meet a few parents and S talked to several students.
The info sessions on Bruin Day were great.

The DE day was really great. Got a lot of questions answered. It was really cool seeing the various engineering clubs.
We are excited for my S. Like @jrncyn next is housing app and finding roommates. Their are a couple of his HS friends also going UCLA so trying to get him to talk to them.

Thank you @10s4life
