UCLA Housing discussion

Hi guys so anyone admitted who knows what the housing options are… Can first year UCLA students get an apartment in UCLA? For those who go to UCLA how is it living in UCLA? Are roommates annoying?

@greencarrot You can view all of your housing options here: https://housing.ucla.edu/my-housing/rates-contracts-rules/housing-contract-rates-rental-rates

I would say that getting an apartment as a freshman undergraduate is impractical because UCLA housing operates based on seniority. All undergraduates are guranteed 3 years of housing, and so upperclassman get first pick of what is available. So the 3rd years choose their housing, then the second years, and by the time it’s the first year’s turn to choose, normally only classic residential halls are left over.

Thanks @aishmin‌

UCLA does not require first year students to live on campus, although more than 90% make the decision to do so. I wouldn’t recommend living in an off campus apartment from a social standpoint, but it is possible if you really don’t want to share a room.

You can apply for a single room but it costs more. The good thing is that if you put in your request by May 1, you will hear back on your housing choice by May 8, and you will have three years of guaranteed housing on campus. Because you hear back so early, you can make off campus arrangements if the option you are given is unacceptable to you.