UCLA Sociology Statistics Requirement w/ AP Stats?

<p>Does anyone know off hand for sure if AP stats fulfills the statistics math requirement of the sociology major at UCLA?</p>

<p>yes sir!~~~</p>

<p>Yes, but do yourself a favor... take more stats. Trust me. Take as much as you can. You want to be able to say you can do regression analysis. Seriously.</p>

<p>oo thanks torrance -- do u know if a 3 will suffice? the UCLA L&S page says that its chill, but would the major require anything more?</p>

<p>uclari -- im doing sociology* as my alternate major since i'm tap*so im not too concerned, i just want to be considered if i dont get Econ. Actually, on the other hand, i guess more stats would be useful for econ anyways</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>


<p>Focus, if you can, on learning (and really knowing) statistical analysis software like R, SPSS, Stata, etc. Learn how to do OLS, time series, etc. This kind of stuff is very useful for both research and getting jobs.</p>

<p>But a few extra econ classes never hurt, either. :)</p>

<p>OH shoot -- i meant sociology is the alt major, not stats. and tap, not tag. but either way i can totally see how id need the extra expertise in econ too. </p>

<p>sadly, ive already exhausted all the econ classes at my CC :(</p>

<p>Ah, gotcha.</p>

<p>I think you'll be fine, assuming a good GPA and all that.</p>