***UCSD 2019 FRESHMAN WAITLIST*** Information, Stats and Discussion

what colleges did you apply to?

@iLoveLuffy Yeah UCSD is my top choice right now! I sent them a letter yesterday updating them on my activities since applying and letting them know that I’d def commit if accepted?I applied to 6 UC’s and was waitlisted by 3 (UCSB, UCSD, and Davis). I got into Boston U (couldn’t afford it tho ?), U Alabama, Ohio State, U Miami, and USD. Rejected by Princeton lol. As of right now I’m committed to USD. What about you?

@destes I only applied to 2 schools (SDSU and UCSD) haha. God’s grace I got accepted to both colleges.

@iLoveLuffy Wow that’s awesome! So UCSD sent you an email telling you about an update to your status right? And did the wording of that email indicate that you got in or did it just say that there was an update to your status? Sorry for the silly questions haha i’m just trying to prepare myself for anything

@destes it says that there was an update to your status.

@iLoveLuffy okay thanks so much!

@destes I thought we couldn’t appeal to ucsd which meant we couldn’t update them with things. Also, did you receive a response?

Where’s everyone committed to as of now?

@HelpBot If I’m correct, an appeal is for rejected applicants. Like if you were rejected but there were extenuating circumstances that might make them change their mind, you can submit an appeal letter/form for consideration. UCSD doesn’t allow this, but UCLA, for example, does. I did also read that UCSD really doesn’t look at anything else you send them, but I just had to try because I love that school so much and wanted to show how much I want to go there. I got an automatic response with statistics about the waitlist (likely because the subject line of my email had the word “waitlist” in it ?) but I also mailed a letter. I plan on also reaching out to one of the professors in the Division of Biological Sciences (i’m a neurobio major). I’ll keep you posted if I get a response or a decision!:relaxed:

@Whiskeytornado01 I committed to University of San Diego. You?

UCLA/UCB/UCD and UCSD do not allow waitlisted students to file an appeal. Appealing is only for rejected students.

Does anyone know if waitlist decisions could come out over the weekend?

@destes I committed to University of Wisconsin-Madison. This whole waitlist process is killing me a little lol

@4everpraying Unfortunately there’s really no way to know ? Some people have already gotten in like @iLoveLuffy but some (like me) haven’t heard anything yet. Reading last year’s forum made me realize how random the waves come out. Most people started hearing mid-May.

@Whiskeytornado01 Me too?It’s really taking a toll on me. But hey! We’re both committed to awesome schools even if it doesn’t feel like it rn and we’ll do amazing wherever we end up!

@destes Definitely! USD is an amazing school and honestly even if we don’t get off the waitlist we are going to do great things anyway!

@Dragontt25 I’m on the waitlist for Structural Engineering,

I just realized I forgot to post my major and stats sooo I was waitlisted with:

34 ACT
4.6 weighted GPA (this is my school GPA; i haven’t calculated my UC GPA)
9 AP’s
Neurobiology major

Hi, question for folks who got accepted from the waitlist. How long do they give you to accept the offer ? I am trying to guess a pattern for how long between waves, even though I believe it is pretty random. Some school like Case polls the waitlist students regularly to find out who drops off
Thank you

@OnPinsAndNeedles The one on April 26 had until May 1st to decide. I don’t think there has been another wave since then.