**UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

Hi Gumbymom, since you seem to be knowledgeable with this process and have a lot of valuable ideas, I have a question- nothing is going to change but to get some kind of closure to my thought process. My kid has been accepted to UMich and waitlisted in Georgia Tech but it is disheartening to see that he got rejected by UCLA and waitlisted in UCI and UCSD. If he gets in to UMich, I would think, he should at least get in to UCSD? Do you have any input on how I can explain this to myself

I really appreciate your reply. I got rejected from UCI (which I thought was my safety). I guess it’s just another waiting game for me. I did get into Cal Poly SLO, UCR and Santa Clara. My major is biomechanical engineering.

Thanks. I hope you get good news, too.

I realize that I will have to accept one of my offers before getting off (I hope) a waitlist. I know that I will have to forfeit my acceptance deposit. Is it the same for housing? I would like to apply for housing early so I have better housing choices at either UCR or Cal Poly. If I back out, will I lose my housing deposit, too? It seems like a lot to lose.

I meant SDSU not Santa Clara.

Every school will use their own application criteria to review applicants and are looking for something specific from each applicant (wish I knew what it is). The UC’s have always been unpredictable and there is no one size fits all formula for each school. Every college campus will determine whom they feel will fit best in their in-coming Freshman class and many times logic does not play into it.

GTech is a great option and in the end, you can only attend one school.

You are right about that and if it is out of state, i do hope it is G Tech. Thanks for your reply

A typo above: number of wait-listed students admitted were 967 (not 567). This info is as per https://ir.ucsd.edu/_files/stats-data/common-data-set/UCSD_CDS_2017-2018.pdf. But thanks for presenting the data.

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A little more reassuring ahahaha thank you!

Made the change. Thank you for pointing it out.

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Does anyone have an educated guess on how the UC’s looked at applicants this year, in view of the test blind. The acceptances have been so random, 2 students with the exact same GPA (4.0 UW, 4.76 UW, poor test scores) same school, different EC’s, CS major, one is accepted at all UC’s the other one either WL or rejected. Another case 2 students same GPA (about 3.8 to 3.9),similar rigor at HS, CS major, on student has exceptional EC’s, demonstrated CS interest & experience, perfect SAT ( which does not matter) rejected at UCSB, UCSC, UCD, UCLA, WL SD. The other one not much EC’s WL at UCSC, UCSB, UCD, rejected at all other UC’s. All 4 cases for CS, all in state. So is GPA paramount & are EC’s giving any credence, tests score pointless
so what are they looking at? Anyone has any thoughts? Thanks!

The UC’s spell out the application review criteria on the Website so minus test scores, it should be the same. Now how each campus weights each item is not known but in general, GPA, HS course rigor and PIQ’s are considered very important.


Also comparing students stats here on CC is an excercise in futility since no one sees the whole picture.

This is just my guess.
If you know both 4.0UW students. Compare their essays. That might be the difference.
Regarding the other 2 students, 3.8-3.9UW probably too low for top to mid-level UC CS programs these days. Again, essays might be the difference between rejection and WL.

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would UCSD release their wl decision through next 3 months or as portal says, “end of june”?

For the last 2 years, UCSD starting pulling form the waitlist at the end of April followed by more admits in May. They finally closed the waitlist in July but it looks only 2 admission waves.

just make sure
is that means i dont need to write any LOCI or supplemental material for UCSD
Basically what I can do is waiting patiently

You haven’t read this article I posted recently, it should answer all your questions even though it is not specific for UCSD.

Do you think the UC’s will carry a larger than normal waitlist? We know a few really really high stat kids that have applied to 25 schools! They have applied to some CSU’s and UC’s that there is zero chance they attend. I feel that this year anecdotally the numbers are inflated by similar applicants that will ultimately decline their acceptances to many universities. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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anyone know or think how decisions are made to admit waitlisters?

UC’s do not reveal how applicants are admitted off the waitlist that is why no one can determine their chances. If you read the article I posted The Waitlist. Why? I would recommend you move on as suggested in the article.

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