UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Congrats. In-state or out?

Is biology considered a capped major at UCSD?

we are in the same boat as you, All the Best! What’s her major?

Is biology considered a capped major at UCSD?

no engineering or CS majors got off
 bummer for me :frowning:

Biological Sciences is considered a capped major.

Was there a portal update or just an email?

i saw someone get off for CS on reddit

Would you mind sharing the link? Thanks

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What is CS?

Computer Science

Computer Science

Hi! Thank you! In-state

i’m international, i got off the waitlist on may 19th at 4:51 pm pst. my major is psych


someone got off for cs on reddit


If you’re on the waitlist, do they give an official ‘rejection’ to the applicants that don’t make it? Or is it just that you don’t hear from them and assume you didn’t make it.

UCSD will send a denial and then announce they have closed the waitlist.

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Do you know if there is an appeal opportunity if that happens?

UCSD does not state that you can appeal after a waitlist denial, but if denied you should contact admissions to see if that is an option if it does appear on your student portal.