UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

could anyone who got admitted off the waitlist share their stats if they are comfortable sharing?

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I believe this would be for next year’s applicants. I doubt this will impact this year’s students, which is unfortunately because I’m still waitlisted!

My DS got off the waitlist in state I believe it was May 9th
 He doesn’t have great stats, only a 3.68 Uw and 4.15 UC gpa
 no school extracurricular, no clubs, just police explorers with 500 hrs of community service
 he’s going to Warren for public policy


Congratulations! Did he accept the offer? You mention he doesn’t have great stats. What factors do you think helped him get off the wait list?

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Yes he accepted
 I believe his personal insight questions and the leadership as a lieutenant in the explorers where he ran a lot of the community outreach programs were a factor and he was able to really express who he was as a leader and being a well rounded person was maybe the right fit for what UCSD was looking for
 that is my insight
 looking at all these talented kids even from his school and the neighboring schools and their parents who had much higher stats and school involvement getting rejected and not being lifted from their waitlist from UCSD and other higher ranked ucs is boggling their minds. It seems from our area the kids that should’ve been accepted to the tier a and b ucs were all only accepted to UCR
 we personally know at least ten students that are committed to UCR this fall with unbelievable stats because they got waitlisted and rejected to all the other ucs this year.


do you know why this happened this year? Thanks

I am sure your son’s PIQs were excellent. Congratulations again! The Explorer program sounds interesting. Is it similar to JROTC at all? How did your son’s fellow school mates in the Explorer program do in their college admissions? Do you think it helped them particularly or not really?

Holistic University admissions are a bit of a mystery, you never know when something is going to strike a chord or not with the admissions team.

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Yes the explorer program is similar to ROTC, it is actually a program for kids who are interested in law enforcement and is a division of the Boy Scouts
 I do know my kids do spend at least 15 hrs a week volunteering, sometimes 12 hrs when they do dui checkpoints and city events
 but most of the kids who are in the program go straight to being a police cadet where they work with the dept till they are 21 and can apply to be a sworn in officer
 but through all the experiences I believe he was able to emphasize his experiences for his essays
 being holistic and all

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Was there an update on anyone’s portal who’s gotten off the waitlist so far?

@Gumbymom Do you possibly know what UCSD’s wave interval was like in past years? Thanks

Class of 2025: no admits
Class of 2024: 3 waves of admits on April 28, May 7 and May 19. Remember 2020 was the outlier due to Covid.
Class of 2023: 2 waves of admits on April 27 and May 6.

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That is so awesome that the Explorers program & his PIQs appears to have helped him! We were told over the years that these programs usually do make a difference in college admissions so I am glad to see perhaps they do (especially since many kids who take on years of community service don’t do it to “pad” their college applications!)

Unfortunately my daughter’s Girl Scout Gold Award (12 years in scouts) & 7 Presidential Service awards (1200+ volunteer hrs) along with 7 yrs in leadership positions incl. ASG President & varsity tennis captain + 4.65 GPA 33ACT didn’t really help her at all this year
 waitlisted at 5 schools incl. UCSD, UCSB & UCSC, rejected at UCLA, Cal & Irvine. She was accepted at UCDavis which is awesome and where she will attend unless she is pulled from the waitlist. She did not apply to Merced or Riverside since she already had an acceptance & scholarship from an OOS school that would have been a better fit for her major - Cog Sci (she wants to be a UX/ UI Designer). So many kids this year either had multiple UC offers or none at all (1 if they were lucky) which was very puzzling. We expected lots of movement on waitlists but no one she knows, herself included, have heard anything yet. I simply lay this all out for parents/students trying to assess next year’s admissions cycle. Be prepared for the unexpected and cast a very wide net! This is our second go round in 3 years with similar experience for both kids.


Do you know what the wave interval for this year is looking like? Also, do you predict any more waves?

No one can predict the waves, that is up to admissions since they know the # of spots available plus each year varies. Sorry, but I do not work in admissions so I am not willing to make predictions.

Got off the UCSD for Biochemistry on the 18th around 5 PM PST!


Congrats! Which college. My son is waiting for Biochem too

Thank you! I got into Warren!


In state / OOS / International ?? Congratulations!

Thanks In state!

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do you know what the wave intervals were for the class of 2022 and 21?