UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I’ve actually had the forms checklist for the past month I’ve been waitlisted. I remember clearly because I check this portal like every day, Just never had that Items Checklist to upload immigration docs.


I’ve never had all 3 sections show up – that much I know.

Forms, Items Checklist, and upload materials

Yea, I only got Forms

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Same, I only have forms because I didn’t need to upload anything


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We are in state. 2 of my son’s classmates had their portal update with status denied. One is CS the other EnvironmentL Science. My son is still showing waitlisted.


According to the major theory, would they continue pulling ppl off waitlist these days? Or they’re just handing out rejection letters major by major…

I think @gauchoengineering meant the upload section reappeared. The other 2 sections are always there.
My son’s portal does not have the upload section although he is still in the waitlist. Maybe having the upload section does mean something. Will see.


If anyone is curious about the portal changes right before the release of the decisions, read from this comment downwards

I think you may be correct … the forms were there after WL decision because we all had to respond to the waitlist response form.

However, the 3rd section of uploading materials I haven’t seen since before admissions release.

We shall see what this means… I’ll update you guys.

Did u by any chance immigrate to the U.S?

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S22 rejected from waitlist for engineering. 4.67 GPA all honors and APs possible at his school. Good EC and essays. Weird year, for sure. Accepted at UCI so headed there and is very excited. Not sure how to even plan for S25. All these kids have worked so hard and it’s hard to know what to tell them.


My son always had the upload section and he is still in waitlist

The reason I’m asking this question, which you aren’t obligated to answer btw, is cause it might be different for those who did not compared to those who did. Since it would be unlikely for someone who didn’t immigrate to get an upload immigrant documents page. Could it possibly be for parents? Mine immigrated to the U.S but I don’t see an option in my portal

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what’s ur major(

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I think the Credit/No Credit semester(s) and online classes (normally makes the grading easier) due to the pandemic contributes to an inflation of the GPA for most students. Also, extracurricular are very limited for most students during the pandemic. In addition, the Test Blind policy during the most recently 2 years encourages more students to apply. All of these makes it harder for UCs to assess students because more students look “identical” on paper. Hopefully, this situation would improve in the next few years as UCs will, in general, plan to increase enrollment and get use to the new admission standards.

Nope, I was born here in CA. As far as I know at one point everyone had all three, but now apparently only some people have all 3

My parents immigrated to the US, I’m a native-born American, but I still see all three sections (Forms, item checklist, and upload materials). perhaps this does mean something?

My major is ECE: Computer Engineering, with alternative major of Cognitive Science I think?

Update: One of my friends who got rejected off the UCSD waitlist no longer has the upload materials section…

Update 2: Just checked in with another friend who got rejected from UCSD waitlist and he doesn’t have the upload materials section either.