UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

mech e got rejected rip

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My daughter is WL for CS. Hasn’t heard yet.

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It’s just what the lady said on the phone. I have a feeling that they say the end of June/July because that’s when everyone who didn’t get in will get the rejection letter.

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I don’t think it’s good idea to prolong this W/L. This kids and their family deserve closure and enjoyable Summer. Let them move on and be ready with their new chapter in life wherever they end up at. Wish everyone the best!


Family/student can always choose to ignore emails from the waitlist schools at any time. For example, we are determined to stay with what we have after high school graduation, any emails from waitlist schools after the ceremony will be ignored.


My son got rejected from the WL yesterday for Computer Science. In state, 4.5 GPA, 34 ACT, good EC’s, lots of computer background. It’s crazy, we’re moving on.


Still on the waitlist for SD For engineering.
Just got accepted UCI Engineering undeclared.

Asian Male Bay area
UC GPA 4.5 , 10 APs and 5’s on 5 exams so far
Did COSMOS @UCI online last year
ACT 35


Friend of mine (committed for Aerospace Engineering, his alternate major) just got an email from Admissions saying that he got admitted into his first choice major because they realized there was room for him.


Was this today? What time?


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Ohhhh, so he got admitted off the waitlist last week and admissions just emailed him that they could give him the major he wanted. This isn’t some new acceptance that could be from a trickle right?

He got admitted on March 18th, but to his alternate major.

They’re just now moving him to his first choice major… which is odd and implies that they still have some room remaining to shift things around.

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Son applied CS 1st choice and CSE 2nd choice. He is waitlisted and did not yet get any official rejection letter. Is there still a chance?.. like even a tiny chance? CS/CSE spots should be filled by now because of the crazy number of applicants. I see here students getting official rejection letters or emails. Thanks


If he has not gotten a denial, there is always a chance but with 2 capped majors listed as his choices, more likely if admitted off the waitlist it will probably be Undeclared.


Thank you for your time. Getting to one of those choices will be a miracle. We just want to have closure and move on. Best.


As of this morning (5/25) my daughter is still on the WL. Out-Of-State Marine Biology.


UCSD ranks on the wait list. Perhaps they are not closing the wait list yet, they are only rejecting students further down the ranking? My daughter is still wait listed for political science, in state.


My daughter got rejected. She has had opportunity to talk to couple of students doing biomedical at SLO and is very happy with her decision based on these. She has started planning out GE courses in summer to get a headstart.

Congratulations on your daughter graduating early!!


just out of curiosity, if you feel comfortable, what college did your son choose?

No worries. Waitlisted at UCSD, UCSC, and UCB. For the rest of UCs he was not lucky. So we still have this tiny hope (UCSD, UCB, UCSC). He will go to the CC route just in case ( Diablo Valley College) He is already enrolled there. Also, he got into most Cal State except SJSU and Cal Poly. He applied to all of these schools as CS or CE major, so it was really tough. Thanks