UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Thank you for the reply. That sounds like an interesting major! Good luck to your daughter. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you so much for the information. The colleges seem to like April 9 :grin:

We will try to make some campus visits prior to commitment day… Just wish we could have some idea about his chance of getting off at least ONE wait list :sweat_smile:

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I agree my D has been waitlisted at 5 schools as well…the limbo is tough for sure !
We are actually heading to CalPoly for the open house on Apr 7 & 8th then driving up to Davis that evening so we are there for their open house on the 9th. It’s going to be a busy weekend but I think it’s a great way to compare the schools back to back. Hoping she falls in love with one of them! Now if UCSD takes her off the waitlist that might be the only thing that derails our plan:)

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I suppose we would just have to wait for the universe to decide if our kids could be at UCSD this fall :grin:. I did hear from someone that he got off UCSD’s waitlist in early May, even prior to his AP exams dates. All he had to do was manifested his acceptance :laughing:

Good luck to your daughter. I am sure wherever she ends up would be a great place :blush:


What does it mean "Is your waiting list ranked? How is it released to students?
Thank you. :slight_smile:

There is a missing part to the CDS which is this statement, so the waitlist ranking is not there. According to the UC’s, they do not rank applicants on the waitlist and if they did they would inform the waitlist students.

Is your waiting list ranked? ☐ Yes ☐ No
⇒ If yes, do you release that information to students? ☐ Yes ☐ No
⇒ Do you release that information to school counselors? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If you have any further questions, I would contact admissions and ask specifically since UCSD has little information regarding their waitlist protocol than than opt in by the deadline.

Let’s just say there’s been far too much manifesting in this house and way too much waitlisting by the institutions :wink:
Best of luck to yours as well!


We’re attending the UCSD meet and greet today at the DoubleTree Hotel in Pomona and UC Davis reception at the Pasadena Hilton tomorrow Sunday.

It is healthy to look forward and not hold onto a small chance that one might be admitted off of the waitlist. The schools she is visiting will celebrate her acceptance which will hopefully pull her focus away from the waitlists :blush:

It has been a few years but I was disappointed by the Davis meet & greet receptions. I don’t feel that they represented the culture and vibe of the school very well. If you are considering Davis, I would try to arrange an in-person visit. Sacramento airport is only 20 min from campus.


We’re actually driving from Pomona to UC Davis on April 9th. It’s a long drive.


And the drive up the I5 is boring. We always stop at Kettleman City on the way up and grab an In-N-Out burger. We have driven route more times than I can remember (formerly from LA Verne).

If she does decide on UCD, get a Southwest ViSA card to earn points to fly her back and forth along with yourselves. Definitely less of a headache unless you like to drive.


We started taking 99 because it takes about the same amount of time from LA. It is more scenic with more small towns and more Costco gas stations along the way. :fuelpump:

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But more construction on the 99 lately. My husband drives it twice a week currently.

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Just to add to the waitlist discussion . . .

I was waitlisted at UCLA, UCSD, Rice, Swarthmore and Williams.

Admitted at UCD, Cal Poly SLO, USD, SDSU and a bunch of out-of-state schools. I have some more decisions coming this week, but I have very, very low expectations for those.

After waiting months and months for a decision, I am more bummed about the waitlists (more waiting!) than the rejections. That said, I am heading to Cal Poly on April 8th for admitted students day and am trying to embrace my acceptances, which is harder to do than I thought.


Sorry to bug you guys, but does anyone know when waitlist decisions might come out? Or if they are in waves, how those work?

In general, students usually do not hear until after the SIR May 1 deadline but if spots open up prior to that deadline, students can be admitted off the waitlist.

How many are admitted off the waitlist is dependent upon the # of spots which will dictate if they are waves or just a trickle. Applicants are usually given 5-7 days to accept or decline. If spots remain unfilled from the first group then more admits will be sent out until all spots are filled.

Since many will not hear until after May 1, you will need to put a deposit down somewhere. If admitted off the waitlist, you will lose the original deposit if you accept another school.

Thank you!! Appreciate the response :slight_smile:

Is the picture accurate, did UCSD literally did not accept anyone from the waitlist last year?

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I know someone who was offered a waitlisted spot last year which he declined.

Is it reasonable to think that if offered a place from the waitlist, and applied for CS, that it would be an acceptance for an undeclared major and not CS?