UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Chances are much higher for an alternate major non-capped or Undeclared vs getting into your top choice of CS from the waitlist. There are always rare exceptions.

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Two questions:

  1. I know it is completely random and differs year-to-year, but how are the acceptance numbers for UCSD’s waitlist looking like for previous years?
  2. They will probably release the first wave in the first week of May, right?

My in-state D was waitlisted at UCD, UCI, UCSB, UCSD & Cal Poly. Of these colleges, only UCD is requiring an essay to accept the waitlist. Just wondering if this is the case for others waitlisted.

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Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:
Number of wait-listed students admitted:

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 19976
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 12426
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 4313

No Data for 2018

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 9465
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 5998
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 567

2020 is an outlier since that was the beginning of covid and 2021 was due to deferrals and gap years students plus they accepted a larger Freshman class than normal. If there are spots available, then they will start admitting from the waitlist after May 1.

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UCD and UCB have a waitlist essay as part of their opt into the Waitlist. UCB’s essay is optional. UCLA has a box where you basically write a short essay. The other UC’s do not have waitlist essays. You just opt in and hope for the best.

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wanted to make sure she wasn’t missing anything. Thank you for the prompt response!

Yep, you can click on the link for UCSD’s official data. They did not accept anyone from the waitlist last year.

Is it possible that the UC’s didn’t want to over enroll like last year and just admitted less students in the initial pool? Would that mean they would pull more off the waitlist to prevent over enrollment?


Yes it is possible that they waitlisted students to avoid over enrolling. UC’s have been using waitlists for that purpose to help manage their yield.

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Why do you think so many got admitted off the waitlist in 2019?

Sorry, but I am not sure. As you can see it varies from year to year depending upon the yield. UCSD probably under admitted due to an increase in applications and took more students off the waitlist to fill in the gaps. UCSD’s yield rate has been dropping since 2015.


Can a student on UCSD waitlist make changes to major/alternate major?

No, you cannot change majors or alternate major while on the waitlist.

Just to clarify - does that mean that less student are accepting their acceptances as UCSD? Would that mean that perhaps more students would come off the waitlist this year? If the yield is dropping, what would the reason be for no students coming off the waitlist in 2021? (Sorry to ask so many questions you are just a wealth of knowledge here!!)

UCSD’s yield has been slowly dropping along with their admit rate but they also increased admit class size plus there has been a huge increase in the # of applicants. The yield for in-state students has been pretty consistent but the yield for OOS and International students has been low which would effect the overall yield. There is no way to predict the # of waitlist admits. UCSD had a larger than normal Freshman class for Fall 2021 due to gap year students and deferrals, so their target # Freshman class for this year is back to normal so all anyone can do is wait and see.

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Got it - thank you!

Anyone know if there is a way to submit Fall semester grades to UCSD as a waitlisted student? S22 took his hardest classes this year and did well in the fall.

UCSD will not accept updated grades, LOCI, LOR’s etc
 for waitlisted students. They use to have an waitlist essay requirement but that was discontinued a couple of years ago. All UC’s assume that students will be performing well Senior year to maintain their provisional acceptances and they do have the in-progress/planned classes listed on the UC application for Senior year so they are aware of the rigor involved. Sorry, but all you can do is opt into the waitlist and love the schools that have accepted you.

From the UCSD FAQ:


Got it, thank you

“We were conservative with our initial offers to ensure we don’t over-enroll,” admissions staff told Noozhawk in an email. “We will rely on our waitlist to fill any remaining space we might have after May 1.”

^^ what UCSB admissions said. Given the immense number of waitlists this year, I think it’s also true for UCSD this year, considering that they predicted the yield wrong and vastly over enrolled last year