UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Is SLO’s program not as strong as UCSD’s for BME? They have such a good hands-on approach to teaching (and a nice campus/surrounding area)…it was definitely a school my D was considering (and the only one she got rejected from…she was WL at UCI, UCSD and UCLA). My D has a close friend that goes to UCSD so she has some good insight into the student experience there…as far as that goes, I’m not sure it’s a better environment than SLO but I’m always curious to see why our seniors want to go to certain schools.


Congratulations to your daughter on receiving the merit scholarship. Cal Poly SLO is a great school. I know a bright young gal who is finishing her third year studying Architectural Engineering at Cal Poly. She declined USC and UCI to come to SLO because she prefered the Learn-by-Doing environment.

Your daughter has great stats and have accomplished so much. I am sure she will shine whereever she chooses to attend. Good luck to her! :slight_smile:

What do you mean that the waitlist got out? Are you saying that UCI is starting to admit students from the waitlist?

Yes. If you go to the UCI forum you will see many got an offer from the waitlist. They have until May 1st to decide.


Got it. Thanks.

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Yes my daughter got email today and she got accepted from waitlist at UCI.
Even with great stats. she was waitlisted at 4 UCs UCB UCI UCSD AND UCSC.

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My daughter is interested in doing doing research and was looking for universities doing more research in the BME area and allowing undergraduates to be part of the research. From our understanding, SLO’s research offers are less that other schools (like UDub has tons of research opportunities - heard from a family friend who has a kid there). I don’t have direct information on whether UCSD offers more research opportunity than SLO, but that is what we are interpreting from what we have seen so far. Would be great if you can chime in with what you have heard from your friend that goes to UCSD on research opportunities for undergraduates.

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Thanks. And concur that Learn-by-doing at SLO is great when compared to theoretical focus. i like it that students start working on their major in their first quarter instead of just focusing on general education.

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My BF’s daughter was a BME major at UCSD and she found plenty of research opportunities if you do the legwork. She checked into what areas of research were being done by the professors and contacted them about positions. She also attended office hours so the professors knew her by name. She secured a position the summer after Freshman year. UCSD is in the top 10 US rankings for BME if you are into rankings. SLO’s BME program is more geared to getting students ready for the job industry vs. research.



Her friend is majoring in the arts so research isn’t something she’s seeking out. I wish your daughter well, I hope that she does get into UCSD if that’s a better fit for her and her career path. Good luck!

Thank You. Keeping our fingers crossed. I am trying not to raise false hopes with my daughter and talking to her to focus on the benefits she can get out of SLO while looking at options to find research opportunities in and out of SLO.


Your daughter has the profile to get into UC’s no doubt. Rising apps the last couple years have caused major problems (covid and no test scores). They are also looking at certain things like 1st generation students and under represented groups (not taking anything away from those who get in. Just reality of why it’s so hard to get in this year). As parents, all we can do is let our kids know that their accomplishments and efforts will pay off in the long run. Keep head up and make the best of any situation :slight_smile:


Your daughter is great and she will succeed no matter what school she’ll land in. I completely agree with you regarding admission policies. There is no way the admission officers can make a fair holistic evaluation of the students. The system is failing. In addition, we have no clue of what metrics they use to make the final decision. I was optimistic about my daughter’s application cause she had a SAT of 1560 and GPA of 4.6, many ECs, basketball for 3 years, 5th in her class of >400 students in a public school. I’m very upset about the outcome. She got rejected by USC, UCB, and a few others, waitlisted by UCLA, Pomona, and CMC. UCSD is the only school she got admitted out-of-state.

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Wow! You daughter’s stats & ECs are great. Sad to hear so many rejects/waitlists. But glad to hear UCSD accepted her. All the best to your daughter.

We need to teach our HS kids (and ourselves) that college admission process is not a given or fair, and that there is an amount of luck involved beyond hard work. Would save us from the pain :slight_smile:


Congratulations on UCI! My daughter is waitlisted at 4 as well: UCLA, UCI, UCSD, and UCD. She is in at UCSC. Denied at Cal and UCSB.

I am sure she will get in one of these. I am hoping they will have more acceptances from waitlist this year

My D is waitlisted at 5 - UCSD, UCSC, UCSB, SDSU & UW Seattle, Accepted at UCDavis where she has already committed… It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out when all is said & done.

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My D22 is waitlisted at the same 3 UC’s for Psychology. Here’s hoping we all get good news next month!

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Mine is Psych / Cognitive Science… Good luck to yours as well !

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Will she stay the course with Davis if she gets off any of the waitlists? We are in the same boat with so many waitlists, including UCSD. But my kid really likes Davis after visiting.