just becuase they didnt see the school the same way you did doesnt mean they havent visited either schools..my view of ucd is the same, but thats because i lived next to it for 18 years..they were just giving their opinion

Usually, trolls are liers, that's why I said that. Not only do their opinions contradict mine, but nearly everyone else's on the thread...</p>

<p>I dont think it's fair to call someone a liar just because their opinion contradicts most of the people's opinion on this thread.</p>

I dont think it's fair to call someone a liar just because their opinion contradicts most of the people's opinion on this thread.


Please read my posts. Thank you. (BTW, in case you don't, it was a troll, thus already lying about giving a legit opinion)</p>

<p>Let's not get so worked up here. As everyone has stated, you really have to go to the campus and see which one you like better. Both schools are basically equal in terms of undergraduate academics. The real big difference will be if you want to be in NorCal or SoCal for the next four years.</p>

<p>I'm sorry but I believe you are the one in need to read the previous post. First of all, the moment you read that kimatren had a different view of UCD you immediately went into defensive mode. Then you advice everyone not to pay attention to her post.(which is pretty immature) Why are you so confident that she is lying. In addition if you read the beginning of her sentence "we just visited Davis and are wondering if we just had a bad day or if our impressions were correct," then you would know that she wasn't trying to lead anyone into thinking Davis is a bad school.</p>

<p>hopefully not everyone in ucd acts like some ucd fans' behaviors here...</p>

<p>perhaps some of them or their relatives are already in ucd(could be happy acceptance or have-to), so and just pretending(again and again) that they plan to accept ucd offer to phishing more? who knows?</p>

<p>but one thing for sure -- the ruder their behaviors here, the more people will be scared and walk away from their so-proud ucd...</p>

<p>ucd is not bad at all, tho i personally don't like it when compared to ucsd/ucsb/uci, or even compared to ucsc. i think many others might have the same preference as well, and that should not cause the rude reactions from some ucd fans...</p>

<p>i have not found the rude words and reactions from other fans of other uc campuses when they heard some disagreements...</p>

<p>^haha I think lijfc_pa is obviously an UCSB student (very pro-UCSB by putting down other schools). I think he's been posting the same commentary on the other UC vs.. posts.</p>

<p>As an UCSB alumni, I think it is a great school. But we'd be dreaming if we think it's leagues and miles ahead of the other mid-tiered UCs.</p>

<p>I've read a lot of lijfc<em>pa's posts in other threads too. Personally, I think there are only maybe one or two of these "rude" UCD fans but this is true for the other UC fans as well. I've also seen around the same number of rude if not ruder fans for the other universities. I do remember this person who was deciding between UCSD and U of A putting down the Asian population from other colleges by calling them ugly etc. Contradictory to what lijfc</em>pa says about people getting scared off from UCD, I see a large number of people in this forum become increasingly more interested in going to UCD. Like me =)</p>

<p>Here is one of the rude person's post:
"Are you being sarcastic? From my white perspective, nearly every asian girl is ugly. The only remotely good looking ones are supermodels and even those can't hold a candle to white supermodels. UCSD sets the bar lower by not only having asian girls, but all the rare white girls are fat-n-ugly or built-like-a-horse ugly too. So yeah, the girls are ugly there...oh so ugly." -amateurcollegegu</p>

<p>Link - <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-san-diego/482147-ucsd-uci-2.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-san-diego/482147-ucsd-uci-2.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Depends on whether your favor prestige or how much you'll like the campus. UCSD is more prestigious, but it seems like you want to go to UCD.</p>

<p>Although I gotta say, UCSD will only be boring if you don't do anything about it.</p>

<p>"^haha I think lijfc_pa is obviously an UCSB student (very pro-UCSB by putting down other schools). I think he's been posting the same commentary on the other UC vs.. posts."</p>

<p>well, tho your humbleness is a good indication of your personality, your arrogance caused that you can not be wrong more in drawing the conclusion that i'm a ucsb student...</p>

<p>the school i'm attending has nothing to do with any uc. however i did apply some of them before as my safe list...</p>

<p>it's true that i don't like ucd when compared to some other uc campus, and perhaps i did say some not-that-good words on ucd(it's just an opinion from me), but did you find anythings that i put down other uc campuses as you said? who stipulated that i must like/love ucd?</p>

<p>but thanks for pointing me out with your opinion... i guess i should not say too much words here, cuz it's very time consuming and plus more important it's not that helpful as someones may expected...</p>

<p>good luck everyone...</p>

<p>This idea of prestige difference is interesting and widely disputed on these boards. To put it into better perspective there are five ranking spaces between UCB (#20) and UCLA (#25) many students choose UCLA over UCB despite that difference. They do so because they personally like the campus and what UCLA has to offer vs. UCB. There are 18 ranking spaces of difference between UCB and UCSD and 13 ranking spaces between UCLA and UCSD. There are only 4 ranking spaces between UCSD and UCD. The reality is that UCSD is quite close in ranking and prestige to the middle tier UC's. The best thing to do is visit the campuses you are interested in and see for yourself rather than trust the opinions of people on a message board.</p>

<p>In looking at the whole "Prestige" thing I think it also has to do with acceptance rates as well as rankings. For example we all know the Ives were in the single digits. As for the UC's LA had 22.1% followed by Berkeley w/22.2% The next lowest percentage rate was UCSD with 40.2% From there it jumps up to UCI w/ 49% than SB w/49.7%. Davs accepted 53.4%!! So it's also impressive to be amongst an acceptance rate that was more selective. As for my son, he felt that everybody in his school got into Davis this year! Including kids that hadn't taken as many AP's etc... Not too much of an accomplishment. He was proud and honored to have also been accepted to UCSD, which not everyone was. Just a different perspective!</p>

<p>Acceptance rates don't tell you that much. They have only to do with who/how many applied, but nothing about the quality of those applicants. For perspective SDSU had a low acceptance rate this year. Is SDSU better than Cal Poly? As for who got accepted look at the number of A-G courses to see what schools accepted the students who took the most academically rigorous course load.</p>

<p>Quality of acceptance for 2008: These statistics speak for themselves. The acceptance rates are right on and if you want more indepth info there is a prior thread with the 2008 admits. Need I say more?!?</p>

<p>Ave. GPA UCB - 4.18
LA - 4.16
SD - 4.06
SB/I/D - 3.94</p>

<p>Ave ACT UCB - 29
LA - 29
SD - 28
SB/D/I - 27</p>

<p>Ave total SAT UCB 2014
LA 1988
SD 1935
D 1851
SB 1845
I 1834</p>

<p>It's the battle of the moms.</p>

<p>Hehe. :P</p>

<p>Need you say more? What you said in your new post is not the same as what you said in your last post.</p>

<p>Now you have added in other information besides acceptance rates. As I said in my prior posts, acceptance rates by themselves don't tell you much. No one is debating that there are differences, there are. </p>

<p>by GPA

<p>by A-G courses (number taken)

<p>by SAT scores (combined)

<p>By ELC admitted

<p>Low HS API
UCI (lowest % of all UC's)</p>

<p>I think what reasonable folks are saying is that the differences between schools of a few ranking spaces are not significant. Choosing a school based on a few ranking spaces is probably not a wise idea. The best plan is for students to visit and find the best fit.</p>

<p>So is all of a sudden prestige a factor? If so, OP should goto UCLA or Cal. Or an IVY. </p>

<p>But honestly, prestige differences favor UCSD (a bit) and is highly dependent on location in California (ie. Norcal vs SoCal). Just IMHO.</p>

<p>"Usually, trolls are liers, that's why I said that. Not only do their opinions contradict mine, but nearly everyone else's on the thread..."</p>

<p>So if someone's opinion differs from yours and those on this thread, then it must be a lie and the poster must be a troll? That's a bit of a stretch there. So, if I say that I like apples better while everyone likes oranges better, then I'm telling a lie? Reality check, not everybody has the same experiences as you and there's no reason to discredit them for it.</p>

<p>"As an UCSB alumni, I think it is a great school. But we'd be dreaming if we think it's leagues and miles ahead of the other mid-tiered UCs."</p>

<p>Therein lies the difference between posters from UCD and other mid-tier UC's. Posters from other mid-tier UC's realize that the ranking differences are so small, that a decision based on rankings alone is ridiculous. Posters from UCD do not realize this. As a case in point, here's what dmission has to say about the 2 ranking difference between UCSB and UCD.</p>

<p>"Davis is MUCH better, not only in academics/rankings, but also in terms of friendliness and the college life!!"</p>

<p>The emphasis is on "MUCH better" in regard to academics and rankings.</p>

<p>"I think what reasonable folks are saying is that the differences between schools of a few ranking spaces are not significant. Choosing a school based on a few ranking spaces is probably not a wise idea."</p>

<p>If only the rest of the UCD posters were reasonable enough to realize this.</p>

<p>Does anyone ever notice that the almost-aggressive advertisings are solely done by UCD posters? Just look around on the threads, which posters from other schools actually go so far as to call someone a troll for simply expressing a negative impression of their schools?</p>

<p>^I agree 100%
Never seen such remarks on UCSD forums
Having school pride definitely is a good thing, but there should be a limit.</p>

<p>Well maybe someday you can grow up become king and impose those limits on others freedom of speech.</p>