<p>my daughter is trying to decide between ucsd where she gets a regents
scholarship and ucla where she will be in the honors program. her major is
math/econ. any thoughts?</p>

<p>i think ucla is better in that area no?</p>

<p>ucla is better in econ and ucsd is better in math i think. But how important
or impressive is the ucsd regents scholarship? Would it be crazy to pass
that up in order to go to ucla which is a slightly better school?</p>

<p>i think honors > regents</p>

<p>recent years, my gut feeling is ucla is even hotter than uc berkeley, and it's almost a common sense that ucb and ucla are a little or far better in reputation than other uc campuses...</p>

<p>cherish the opportunity to get into ucla, unless you have opportunities to attend the top ivy's or stanford/mit...</p>

<p>Speaking of Berkeley, my daughter got in there too but starting spring 2009.
What's up with that?</p>

<p>actually, ucsd as a better econ department, but ranking shouldn't determine where you go</p>

<p>Go to LA if you want to feel the maximum excitement of what college can offer with its crowded, exciting student body and mind-blowing athletics department. But if you don't really care about those things and just want to focus on academics and be more relaxed and chilled, then SD is the choice for you. In the end, they're both top-notch colleges. Academically, they're are quite similar despite the rumors that LA is far more superior. Good Luck!</p>

<p>This post is a year late, but I don’t see why you couldn’t transfer, if you got into UCSD.</p>

<p>The way I see it, UCLA is a better school in general, and since you have general education requirements at all UC’s, it makes more sense to go to UCLA. It’s not like its biology faculty sucks anyway.</p>

<p>Plus, you’ll get the singer of Bad Religion as your life sciences teacher at UCLA, being a biology major. Sounds like a dream come true to me.</p>